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The Fulwood Inn


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I think they should have to somehow prove that need too. For example, if you really neeeeeeeeed chips then do an "I need chips" dance naked. If not then eat the bloody garlic bread!:rant::hihi:


this gets my vote for funniest post of the year.



any year.

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First of all if you are in the habit of dragging down a major corporation such as MARSTONS dont you think it would be more beneficial if you were to spell their name correctly.

Secondly the only reason for two for one eateries existing is that cheap skates such as yourself do not have the decency to go to proper restaurants where real food is cooked by real chefs then again you would probably complain that this sort of place is far too expensive and no doubt the veg would be undercooked.

Thirdly i am a real chef with real qualifications and if you were to splash out and eat in proper restaurants then perhaps there would be more open and therefore more jobs available for me and my (also fully qualified) colleagues.

Oh Marstons Smartons I do apologise for my mis spelling of such a memorable pub chain!


Not sure if you've noticed but there are thousands of excellent restaurants open & opening up & down the country, not to mention south & west Yorkshire.


I take from your earlier comments that you are currently employed? Because I have always known that if you are a "chef" & unemployed you aint much of a chef ha ha

or could it be that you "still" work for one of these "tight" pub companies where it would take a "no brainer" such as myself to slam the microwave door every few seconds? I mean I can completely understand your grief if thats what your having to do with all your qualifications!


Would also like to point out that this "cheap skate" (if you had read previously) used to frequent this establishement before it became a two for one, then unknowingly when it changed hands had a bad experience, where the microwaved food & rude staff did not really appeal to me.


I admire whoever came up with the scam of making the customers believe they are paying less for more, when in fact they are paying over the odds or the same as a fresh homecooked pub or restaurant meal.


I bet Mr Marston & his shareholders are rubbing their hands together... I am astounded to think that customers of these places really believe they are getting "two for one" or "a good deal" on this cheap processed rubbish, and I don't mean cheap for the customer, I mean cheap from the supplier!

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First of all if you are in the habit of dragging down a major corporation such as MARSTONS dont you think it would be more beneficial if you were to spell their name correctly.

Secondly the only reason for two for one eateries existing is that cheap skates such as yourself do not have the decency to go to proper restaurants where real food is cooked by real chefs then again you would probably complain that this sort of place is far too expensive and no doubt the veg would be undercooked.

Thirdly i am a real chef with real qualifications and if you were to splash out and eat in proper restaurants then perhaps there would be more open and therefore more jobs available for me and my (also fully qualified) colleagues.


Was this a premature April Fools Joke ? So Nannoo Nannoo are you for or against the big pub chains?

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i think it is such a shame to see how people can be so narrow minded and easily influenced by other peoples comments. do you not think that it would be better for any business if people were to go and sample the services for themselves and then pass their comments on to the manager so that any action can be taken it also would giver the business an even footing as they would know what their customers think and improve any areas if necessary. it is fair enough voicing your grievances on sites like this but if the business concerned is unaware how are they supposed to improve.


Me thinks you protest a bit too much!

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First of all if you are in the habit of dragging down a major corporation such as MARSTONS dont you think it would be more beneficial if you were to spell their name correctly.

Secondly the only reason for two for one eateries existing is that cheap skates such as yourself do not have the decency to go to proper restaurants where real food is cooked by real chefs then again you would probably complain that this sort of place is far too expensive and no doubt the veg would be undercooked.

Thirdly i am a real chef with real qualifications and if you were to splash out and eat in proper restaurants then perhaps there would be more open and therefore more jobs available for me and my (also fully qualified) colleagues.




Which restaurant do you work in?

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Funnily enough we went tonight for tea, I do not expect 5 star food at a two for one resturaunt but.. food was microwaved this time and all we could hear was the chef shouting and bawling from the kitchen.. certainly offputting to hear the chef screaming blue murder at the waiting staff. Think we will stick to dinner times in future.. chef obviously can not take the pressure

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