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The Fulwood Inn


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I've had a bit of a mixed experience of the Fulwood Inn too. Sometimes the service has been really slow, other times the food not so great and other times everything has been excellent. I like their specials though - there's a lot of them and they're usually quite nice.


But then it's two for one - can't beat that. Let's face it, if you're wanting a top quality Michelin star meal, you're not gonna go to a 2-for-1 pub now are ya?


And I agree, it is a beautiful building.

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I've had a bit of a mixed experience of the Fulwood Inn too. Sometimes the service has been really slow, other times the food not so great and other times everything has been excellent. I like their specials though - there's a lot of them and they're usually quite nice.


I had the tiger prawn skewer starter when I went and it was well nice but the main meal was fairly poor. If it was just lacking flavour it wouldn't have been too bad but it was that the meat was dry. It has apparently got even worse since then (a couple of months ago) so I doubt I will be going back.


But then it's two for one - can't beat that. Let's face it, if you're wanting a top quality Michelin star meal, you're not gonna go to a 2-for-1 pub now are ya?.


How much cheaper does the 2 for 1 work out though - I reckon it works out about 2 quid cheaper per meal than most standard (not necessarily poor quality restaurants. This isn't really that much of a saving and although you aren't going to expect michelin standard food you don't expect dry meat and overcooked crispy yorkshire puddings. There is no excuse for this and it isn't worth paying for just to save a couple of quid - if you don't enjoy it there isn't really any point.


And I agree, it is a beautiful building.


Yes it's a shame it is being wasted really.

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Since starting this topic over a year ago I have been in the Fulwood Inn several times.


I must say that my experiences have been very variable, from fairly good to particularly bad.


My one overriding memory is when I went out for a family meal. My brother's girlfriend ordered a Tuna Steak which had been overcooked so much that it had a similar consistency to cardboard. When she complained she was told 'What do you expect for a free meal?', possibly the most bizarre response to a complaint I have heard. Needless to say she wasn't at all happy with that answer and after much argument got some money back.


I haven't been back since; they managed to lose 8 customers that day.

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Since starting this topic over a year ago I have been in the Fulwood Inn several times.


I must say that my experiences have been very variable, from fairly good to particularly bad..


It's probably better to serve decent food all the time than to be so inconsistent. This is what I have been told about the place as well - I went once and won't be going back I don't think.


When she complained she was told 'What do you expect for a free meal?', possibly the most bizarre response to a complaint I have heard


A highly ridiculous comment to make - I doubt that the management are advising their staff to say that in the event of a customer complaint. It isn't really free anyway as the price of 1 meal is a good deal higher than most standard restaurant so in reality I would say you are paying 1 1/2 the cost of 2 meals. Not the point anyway as there is no excuse for serving bad food.


I haven't been back since; they managed to lose 8 customers that day.


They'll lose more if they carry on how they are going.

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I've been following this thread for a long time without making any comment, although a lot of what's been posted comes over to me as absolute twaddle.

Reading some of the latest offerings have really wound me up tonight though, to the extent that I really feel the need to add my tenpennorth, as it were.

The Fulwood Inn, like any other restaurant, or any other place serving the general public, is open to critiscism (or praise) in here, and as such can be critiscised without a right to reply. But at the end of the day, all we read in here are individual peoples opinions, and as people are more likely to complain rather than praise, all we generally get are complaints about places, which in the case of the Fulwood Inn, seems to be just complaints!

The point I'm making though is that for every person who complains, I'm certain that there are countless others who are completley satisfied, and in the case of The Fulwood, which every time I go in seems to be heaving, there seems to be an awful lot of people who are completely satisfied with this place, otherwise they wouldn't keep going back!

So why don't people get off their backs and just accept that they are doing their best, don't satisfy all the people all the time, and are no better or no worse than any other similiar type of establishment.

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I've been following this thread for a long time without making any comment, although a lot of what's been posted comes over to me as absolute twaddle.

Reading some of the latest offerings have really wound me up tonight though, to the extent that I really feel the need to add my tenpennorth, as it were.

The Fulwood Inn, like any other restaurant, or any other place serving the general public, is open to critiscism (or praise) in here, and as such can be critiscised without a right to reply. But at the end of the day, all we read in here are individual peoples opinions, and as people are more likely to complain rather than praise, all we generally get are complaints about places, which in the case of the Fulwood Inn, seems to be just complaints!

The point I'm making though is that for every person who complains, I'm certain that there are countless others who are completley satisfied, and in the case of The Fulwood, which every time I go in seems to be heaving, there seems to be an awful lot of people who are completely satisfied with this place, otherwise they wouldn't keep going back!

So why don't people get off their backs and just accept that they are doing their best, don't satisfy all the people all the time, and are no better or no worse than any other similiar type of establishment.


What comes across as twaddle?


This is just generalising really though. Why do all restaurants have to be equal? - It just doesn't work like that.


How do you know they are trying their best - they microwaved the food when I went so there wasn't much effort to that.


If you like it fair enough but everyone is entitled to their opinion and I would want to know people's experiences if I was going somewhere. It's a forum why wouldn't people reply to posts? If someone doesnt' wan't to carry on talking about something then don't reply.

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What comes across as twaddle?


This is just generalising really though. Why do all restaurants have to be equal? - It just doesn't work like that.


How do you know they are trying their best - they microwaved the food when I went so there wasn't much effort to that.


If you like it fair enough but everyone is entitled to their opinion and I would want to know people's experiences if I was going somewhere. It's a forum why wouldn't people reply to posts? If someone doesnt' wan't to carry on talking about something then don't reply.


All restaurants don't have to be equal, they just need an equal opportunity thats all, and from what I see in here, it just looks to me like there's some sort of vendetta, if that's not too strong a word, against the Fulwood in here, whereas lots of other places are left alone.

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I don't think it's a cse of getting off thei:(r backs, it's just a shame great building/location and last time i went in the hope the refurb had improved things it was more or less empty. If I and my family had had a good experience we would have been back countless times, it's really close for us, instead i would rarther make the effort to go to lodge more to 3 jolly men. The point is it will become another boarded up pub and it's a shame it's not maintaining trade and getting people going back..... I think it's as simple as that I would love to make it our local. :(

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I have to say my first visit was excellent but my further 2 were disappointing, I doubt we will be going back again.



Maybe someone should print off this thread and post it through their letter box,:suspect: to make them aware of the problems (if they are not already that is).

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I have never had a good experience at the Fulwood Inn. In contrast Aunt Sally's has never let us down and the food is real and not microwaved.


I agree the building and situation of the Fulwood Inn is first rate. It's such a shame that businesses there don't seem to do so well - so far. They've almost got a captive audience as a family restaurant from the surrounding suburbs. I hope they can solve the snags, sell good quality healthy fresh food (still containing vitamins!) and know they can rely upon repeat business.

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