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The Fulwood Inn


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All restaurants don't have to be equal, they just need an equal opportunity thats all, and from what I see in here, it just looks to me like there's some sort of vendetta, if that's not too strong a word, against the Fulwood in here, whereas lots of other places are left alone.


More often than not I go to the same South Asian restaurant (Mangla) so I don't go to other places all that often. If I did and liked them or disliked them I would post about them. I praised Caffe Uno on Eccy Road about 5 minutes before you originally posted so I don't just start criticising places out of boredom - microwaved meat though!


It has had it's opportunity with me as relatives have been since I went and it was microwaved (even the yorkshire puddings were overdone) I haven't got a vendetta against the Fulwood Inn but I see your point about posting about it - I will leave this thread alone unless I go back there but I only will if someone I know tells me it's good again.

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I have to say my first visit was excellent but my further 2 were disappointing, I doubt we will be going back again.



Maybe someone should print off this thread and post it through their letter box,:suspect: to make them aware of the problems (if they are not already that is).


Hi Rainbow Sky. How the devil are you?

Hate to disagree with you, seeing as you're one of my best pals ( creep!) but I've got nothing but praise for this place.

Even when they got it slightly wrong when we had Nokka's bithday party there, they did everything they could to put it right, and in subsequent visits there, they've given me and 'er indoors excellent value for money. Especially on Valentine's Day when we had a lovely meal.

Sorry to disagree with you girl!

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Hi Rainbow Sky. How the devil are you?

Hate to disagree with you, seeing as you're one of my best pals ( creep!) but I've got nothing but praise for this place.

Even when they got it slightly wrong when we had Nokka's bithday party there, they did everything they could to put it right, and in subsequent visits there, they've given me and 'er indoors excellent value for money. Especially on Valentine's Day when we had a lovely meal.

Sorry to disagree with you girl!


No problem, feel free to disagree, there seems to be a lot of mixed reviews on here anyway, maybe just depends on which staff are on. Our first visit was excellent but sadly the other 2 were not.

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Being the tight ares that I am I travel quite a lot with my family to try these 2 for 1 establishments and I can tell you I have been to quite a few, to name but a few:


  • Aunt sallys - 8/10 is the most disgusting hole I've ever eaten in, never again.:gag::gag:
  • The storyteller - Not bad, I'd give it about 6 out of 10.
  • Mottram wood, Glossop - Really nice building in a really nice setting, that's as far as the 'nice' goes though.:gag::gag:
  • Marquis - Uuuuurrrggggghhhhh :gag::gag::gag:


And finally the fulwood inn...been there twice after finally getting up the balls to go in, I drove past many a time thinking although it's a 2 for 1 the cheapest our bill would come to for 3 is £60 :hihi: looking at the standard of car in the car park. Well like I say, I've been there twice and I can't fault the place, food is lovely, service is great, staff are dead friendly and helpful, place is laid out really nice and clean (I have one small complaint about the place but not really worth mentioning, and that is that they don't have a baby change facility seperate to the ladies toilets and I find that a bit old fashioned as I feel it my place as well as my partners to change our daughter)


All in all I would give it an easy and well deserved 9.5/10.

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Aunt sallys - 8/10 is the most disgusting hole I've ever eaten in, never again.:gag::gag:


Can I ask why you have given it 8/10 then:huh:


Rest my case about the type of person (not including you) posting about this place. Even though it seems that this person likes the place, I think that like a few others, they've lost the plot!

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Can I ask why you have given it 8/10 then:huh:


Sorry, no I even thought to myself when typing that people would confuse it with 8 marks out of 10...


If read properly it says: 8 times out of 10 it is the most ..........


We went there a few times before our daughter was born in 2006 and the place was great, then we went nearer xmas and it was really, really bad, even to the point that I opened my mouth :o and demanded a refund (Totally out of character) they did point out that because the staff were like 99% students and had gone home for xmas the standard had dropped but that's no excuse, everyone else manages, employ more staff :thumbsup:, needless to say we stayed away for a long time and then went back and I had my usual, the meat was disgusting...hard around the edges and brittle in the middle (Not sure how they pulled that off???) so we stayed away again, went back and this time we just walked out mid-meal and haven't been back since...even our daughters meal was horrid, she had the childs cottage pie and it was like a burnt microwave ready meal....excuse me for being picky but even if I couldn't be bothered and I had an order for a kids meal I would pull my socks up, I would never want a childs illness on my conscience...

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