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Hurfield secondary modern school


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Just trolled through this thread-all 9 pages--only saw one person who was there at the same time as me and that was Bill Stevens and I do not recall him--(well we are all in our late 60,s)

I left in 59 in 4B-(beatty house)

some of the lads I recall are----

Richard Caborn

Les Smith

Roger Cardwell

Christopher Powell

George heathcote

Ashley Peach

David Putland

Les Cocker

John Oldfield

Fred Willey

Trevor Fleming

Roger Faulkner

Hedley Sidall

Roy Beaumont

John Sedgwick

Geoff Hebblethwaite

John Yeardley

Marvin Howe

David Johnson

Raymond Quibble

Alan Moss

Stephen Lake

Mick Dooley

Bruce Sockett

Mick Hollingsworth

Brian ?Frost----had a younger brother-Harry

Ron Hill

Roger Hanley

Micheal Dooley

Barry Whitaker

sorry if I may have missed anyone as I think there were 40 in a class at that time, and I may have got some first names mixed up-----more to come

Edited by dennisgwild
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Told you I would be back---started there in1955 some of the teachers I remember-although we never used or even knew their first names-






Morgan--RI and maths




Middleton--tech dwg



Pearson----took rugby



Crawshaw--maths and German

and the only woman teacher----Mrs Salt---drama


somebody must have took us for English but cant remember--



I may be back again if I can remember what I am doing--cheers

Edited by dennisgwild
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Told you I would be back---started there in1955 some of the teachers I remember-although we never used or even knew their first names-






Morgan--RI and maths




Middleton--tech dwg





Crawshaw--maths and German

and the only woman teacher----Mrs Salt---drama


somebody must have took us for English but cant remember--

Pearson----I think he took us for rugby


I may be back again if I can remember what I am doing--cheers




Haythorn took English.


Bagshawe took us for science, magic teacher, our first lesson was a farce with him acting the fool, we looked forward to the following week's lesson but he was a taskmaster and made us work hard. Wasn't looking forward to the following week but guess what? He was back to jester mode! We then realised what the deal was, work hard one week and fool around the next, great system, worked a treat. Sadly it didn't last very long as he died of a heart attack in the summer hols.

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Just trolled through this thread-all 9 pages--only saw one person who was there at the same time as me and that was Bill Stevens and I do not recall him--(well we are all in our late 60,s)

I left in 59 in 4B-(beatty house)

some of the lads I recall are----

Richard Caborn

Les Smith

Roger Cardwell

Ashley Peach

David Putland

Les Cocker

John Oldfiel

Hedley Sidall

Roy Beaumont

John Sedgwick

Geoff Hebblethwaite

John Yeardley

Marvin Howe

David Johnson

Raymond Quibble

Alan Moss

Stephen Lake

Mick Dooley

Bruce Sockett

Mick Hollingsworth

Brian ?Frost----had a younger brother-Harry

Ron Hill

Roger Hanley

Micheal Doole

Barry Whiteker

sorry if I may have missed anyone as I think there were 40 in a class at that time, and I may have got some first names mixed up-----more to come


My dad, Ernest cocker went to Hurfield boys 1955-59, he remembers some of the names on the above list.. One name though Roger Hanley my dad and Roger both rented workshops on Sylvester street and were good friends for 30 years, but they never knew they went to the same school at the same time, it was only last week that, sadly at Rogers funeral he found out that they both went to Hurfield and were in the same year.

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Told you I would be back---started there in1955 some of the teachers I remember-although we never used or even knew their first names-






Morgan--RI and maths




Middleton--tech dwg



Pearson----took rugby



Crawshaw--maths and German

and the only woman teacher----Mrs Salt---drama


somebody must have took us for English but cant remember--



I may be back again if I can remember what I am doing--cheers


I think Harry Whitehouse should be on the list and believe he took that 4B class for Drama?? Also didn't we have a guy called something like Peter D'oyle Carter for lesson in English??


Also on the boys list I think maybe Jim Otley, David Bates, Tony Wragg, Graham Crump, Roy Rastrick, Terry Dobson, David Beard also a lad called...Robinson? I stand corrected if some of these lads were in other level 4 classes. Sad to here about Roger he was a good guy and befriended me, as I only did years 3 and 4 at Hurlfield which could be a tough age to enter a new school!


Lastly one of our year has posted a photo of the class on Friends Reunited ...would love to know if anybody can name the lads on the photo especially the back row!!

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Thanks to Royston for jogging my memory about

Tony Wragg

Roy Rastric

David Beard

I dont recall the other names you listed as being in 4B

But I certainly should have remembered Harry Whitehouse-(that was the only first name of a teacher I was aware of)

,and he was related to me and we both shared the same Birthday ---May 9th--

He was quite efeminate compared to the other teachers and kept on about masterbating----I,m sure we didn,t call it that----thanks dennis wild

Edited by dennisgwild
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