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Hurfield secondary modern school


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What I think I remember about Hurlfield School is being in the following classes 1B then 2T1, 2A2, 3A1, 4A1 and possibly 5A1 then on to lower sixth at Ashleigh. I had come up from Manor School and lived in Holdings Road then. I felt like a deserter going to Ashleigh as most people hated them all through school but I had loved TD at Hurlfield got the School Prize (a book token I think). Ashleigh turned out to be a good school and my year in the lower sixth was great, Geography, Physics and Geology, TD “A” level are the only classes I remember. Family intimated that school was a waste of time after I failed the Geology so I got a job and went to Shirecliffe College. I was a swot at school and no-one remembers swots really - boy could I swim fast in those days until the Oak Street mob arrived I was fairly unbeatable. I remember the school curtain fire was well scary and I must have done the odd swimathon. Did Hurlfield 1967 to 1971 ish not sure on dates now.

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I was at Hurfield from 1955 to 1958, I hung around with Roger Pearson, Alan Faulkner, Terry Dobson. My brother was at Hurfield between 1965 - 1969 His name was Malcolm Stevens, we lived on Fellbrigg Road on Arbourthorne.


I remember Mr Hopkinson was the PE teacher.


Len Edgerton the headmaster caned 85 of us once in the assembly hall because we were late coming back from the playing fields one lunch time. There was 85 of us all lined up for 2 stokes of the cane !!


I was one of the 85. I had forgotten about it until I read this.


Not the first time or the last that we were late.


I remember someone hit a teacher with a T square and was caned in the assembley hall in front of the whole school.



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I was one of the first girls at hurlfield boys as well, joined the 3rd year, left in 71. We weren't always made to feel welcome, especially by Mr Bromby, sports teacher. I enjoyed my time at Hurlfield, during sports opting for tennis so we could go over to the tennis courts and sunbathe, the swimathon, Dave Dee giving us a talk once and the discos. Remember we used to roll our skirts over at the waist to shorten them and had to roll them down for assembly inspection by the girls deputy headmistress (can't remember her name). Remember Carl Stephens well, sat next to him at Prince Edward Junior School.


I hated it when the girls came I was in 2nd year so non where in my year but everything changed throughout the school. Learning dropped as a fashion bomb hit the hill

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  • 4 weeks later...
I was one of the first girls at hurlfield boys as well, joined the 3rd year, left in 71. We weren't always made to feel welcome, especially by Mr Bromby, sports teacher. I enjoyed my time at Hurlfield, during sports opting for tennis so we could go over to the tennis courts and sunbathe, the swimathon, Dave Dee giving us a talk once and the discos. Remember we used to roll our skirts over at the waist to shorten them and had to roll them down for assembly inspection by the girls deputy headmistress (can't remember her name). Remember Carl Stephens well, sat next to him at Prince Edward Junior School.


Dave dee gave out the leaving reports in 71 or 70 my mate alf starosta got him to do the honours i think he was on at the fiesta club at the time

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hi! dunks though your name i don't recall my name is andy martin & was also at hurlfield from 64/68 do you remember mr turton & mr houdmont


Hi Andy, Did you use to ride a motorbike and go out with a girl called Christine. If so I wonder if you remember Elaine and Joy, friends that lived on Queen Mary Rd


---------- Post added 25-08-2014 at 21:59 ----------


Anyone out there remember Mick Taylor, Monty he would have left about 1969, his mate was black lad Carl Stevens [Friday] .

He was a bit of a well known character.

In inter school fights between Hulfield and Central Tech . He was with a gang of Hurlfield lads and the saw the tech lads at the Punchbowl he shouted charge and ran towards them but no one followed him and he ran on his own waving a milk crate.

He got a right battering,

It was a shame really cos most of the lads he charged were his mates that he knocked around with.He was out with them that night.


Unfortunately he died about 5 years ago


Wow, that is so sad I was in Carls class at school :(


---------- Post added 25-08-2014 at 22:20 ----------


the boys school became hurlfield comprehensive in 1968, there was only 2 years of girls there the first and the 3rd years. i started there that year it changed over


Me too, summer. think we must have been in same class.

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The memories came flooding back when I knew your name. Sorry, but the nickname for a well known brand of dog food came flooding into the grey matter. A lot of my friends came from your class. Wasn't Raymond Connelly in it. And there was a Julie Moxon, who lived near me, before the boot houses were demolished (the ones below Prince Ed. School). Julie went to live at Handsworth (she was married to somebody called Spencer). Steven Wragg too was in it or was he? He was Claypole's cuz and he married Marie Wood. They dated at school and a few years later (after leaving) married. I think they are now divorced. Sadly Raymond and his elder brother Steven are no longer with us I understand and it seems they both died from incidents with knives.


I know this was wrote a while ago, but I just have to correct you and let everyone else who reads this know that Raymond Connelly and his elder brother Steven are alive and well. I have no idea where you heard that from but it is completely false.

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Hurlfied Secondary (modern) school for girls.

Quiet girls! Stop fidgeting, sit straight, and pin your ears back




Click here for teacher’s info from ’63 – ‘64




Please note. From 28 members of staff, only two were men. Mester Pickering and Mester Blagden. It must have been fun in the staff-room or behind the gym. LOL. More Jam than Hartley’s, Jammy sods.




The school became comprehensive in the year 19-clickety-click




During my time (68-69) at nearby Hurlfield boys, I knew a girl from Hurlfield girls. Moira Dudley. She lived on t’Manor.

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