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Hurfield secondary modern school


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I remember Hurlfield, left in 1970. Mr Hartley - English and a different Mr Hartley who taught RE. Seem to recollect that Mr March left at the end of our first year, excellent teacher but sadly no more History for the next 4 years. Vaguely remember sleeping on the floor of the Domestic Science rooms during the swimathon.

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i went to hurlfield school from 1968 to 1970 i was one of the first girls there when it changed over from hurlfield boys to a mixed school and the only girls were the 1st year and 3rd year. i was in the 3rd year but did not like the school cant remember much of it was glad when i left it.


I was one of the first girls at hurlfield boys as well, joined the 3rd year, left in 71. We weren't always made to feel welcome, especially by Mr Bromby, sports teacher. I enjoyed my time at Hurlfield, during sports opting for tennis so we could go over to the tennis courts and sunbathe, the swimathon, Dave Dee giving us a talk once and the discos. Remember we used to roll our skirts over at the waist to shorten them and had to roll them down for assembly inspection by the girls deputy headmistress (can't remember her name). Remember Carl Stephens well, sat next to him at Prince Edward Junior School.

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I was one of the first girls at hurlfield boys as well, joined the 3rd year, left in 71. We weren't always made to feel welcome, especially by Mr Bromby, sports teacher. I enjoyed my time at Hurlfield, during sports opting for tennis so we could go over to the tennis courts and sunbathe, the swimathon, Dave Dee giving us a talk once and the discos. Remember we used to roll our skirts over at the waist to shorten them and had to roll them down for assembly inspection by the girls deputy headmistress (can't remember her name). Remember Carl Stephens well, sat next to him at Prince Edward Junior School.


i do remember turning our skirts over at the waist.

i cant remember the teachers there except mrs brennan who took us for typing ect. i know i didnt like the games teacher he was always coming into the girls toilets and having a go at us. i hated the school


the first year there i think most girls stayed with the ones they had moved over with i had come over from woodthorpe and the ones i came with out of my class there got back to woodthorpe and only me left they would not let me go back said it was full, i wasnt pleased as it was my idea to go back to woodthorpe even though they all moved to city from there


the last year there as i left at 15 wouldnt stay on till i was 16.i was in mrs brennan class and she took us for typing commerce english and maths and in there there were only 3 or 4 lads if i can remember, tommy collins, paul green

somebody lewis cant remmebr his first name


the girls were pauline elgy, carol smith, jackie glaves, sue obrien, carol dungworth, barbara pears, christine topham that i can remember. i think sue and barbara came from prince edwards as they lived close to there

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Only just joined this forum so hence last response.


Was at Hurlfield from 61 to 66.

Head, Mr Egerton, Deputy Mr Lupton ( 7 foot tall!!) he was followed by silver haired Houdmont, evil sod, there was Jack Crashaw Maths, Peter Hartley English, Peter Jennings Science, Brian Standing Tech Drawing, Stuart Greenhough Geography, Taffy Morgan Scripture he was followed by another guy called Hartley, Bill Machin for PE and Clifford Thorpe for Woodwork.


Anyone else go down to the shopping centre for Egertons cigs?

Used to let you have the change, all 3d of it!!!

Great days.


I was at Hurlfield from Easter 1960 to Easter 1962 and then left to go to Central Tech.


I clearly remember most of these teachers, but in particular Bill Machin. He was a big bloke and an out & out bully. When I was 13, a few months before I left, we were playing Rugby and he brought me down with a tackle from behind (perfectly legal) and although I weighed about 12 stone he just about knocked me senseless. This was in the early part of the winter. I resolved that, whatever it took, I would cause him grief for that tackle.


Later on that winter, when the ground was rutted and frozen solid, I got my opportunity. He went to run past me with the ball and I set off after him and tackled the b*****d round the ankles. For my trouble I was kicked in the face as he went down and required 7 stitches, but he went down flat on his face and looked as if he had been attacked by a mad slasher with a stanley knife. On the day that I left Hurlfield I told him what the score was and he shook my hand and wished me all the best for the future.

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i do remember turning our skirts over at the waist.

i cant remember the teachers there except mrs brennan who took us for typing ect....

Yep, I remember Mrs Brennan, a great teacher, think we all enjoyed her class. I came from Prince Edward and remember Barbara Pears but not Sue. Also remember Christine Topham. Got an old photo of us all at the school. It was Mr Bromby who used to come into the changing rooms whilst us girls were getting changed!

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Yep, I remember Mrs Brennan, a great teacher, think we all enjoyed her class. I came from Prince Edward and remember Barbara Pears but not Sue. Also remember Christine Topham. Got an old photo of us all at the school. It was Mr Bromby who used to come into the changing rooms whilst us girls were getting changed!


i used to hang about at school with barbara and sometimes after school. i used to once have a photo of us all at school but have not got it anymore, just one of me in my school uniform.


yes mrs brennan was a great teacher with her being our form teacher we could stay in the classroom at break if we were on computer doing some work

she was the only teacher i liked there.


there was another teacher there think he taught english he was ok used to tell us all that he didnt care if we didnt do home work less for him to mark and it was us that would lose out by it,if we didnt study harder


there used to be another christine in our class but cant rememember her name only that she had an aunt that lived lower arbourthorne and we used to skive off to her house a few times and tell her we were sent by school to call on the older people to see if they needed any help.

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