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Dnr bar whats happened? Has it closed down?

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According to the Star, DnR Bar has had its license suspended for 3 months following a review by Sheffield City Council's licensing board. The Police have called for the license to be revoked following safety concerns and the fact that they were repeatedly caught serving under-age customers.

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"The department is calling for DnR's licence to be suspended until work has been carried out to ensure the venue meets safety regulations."


"They want DnR's licence to be suspended for a month while sufficient staff are trained to ensure a personal licence holder can be on duty at all times."



so who knowes from that it may re-open at some point again.

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The fact that anyone's surprised that this dump has been closed down is the funniest thing ever.


Its not surprising at all to me. But it does mean another rock/alternative bar bites the dust which is never a good thing for whole 'scene' in Sheffield. And to think I was quite worried about that place when it opened last September as it was supposed to take all the former Dove and Rainbow 'alternative crowd' trade with it....that did not last very long, they all came back pretty quick in fact.


I kind of miss it strangely though as used to pop in for a quick pint when I took a break, and there is no where else within 5 minutes walk that is vaguely 'alternative', with the exception of UTB.

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The fact that anyone's surprised that this dump has been closed down is the funniest thing ever.
What surprises me is the fact that the "manager" of a similar type of establishment finds this funny.


DNR was never any competition to the Nelson, Tube, Rebels, and the Dove and Rainbow as these are all different styles and therefore attract a different kind of customer.


As stated by Goldenfleece, its a pity that another venue on the scene has fallen by the wayside.

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Hopefully the guys that were running the bar will think it worth it to do all the work (and spend the money) neccessary to make the place health & safety compliant (new ceiling, additional wiring etc) which sounds like the biggie, the rest is just convincing the licencing department that they have put the right management practice and staff training in place.


So it's not totally unlikely it'll reopen, and if it does, go drink and support the place! Sheffield needs more bars that are a bit unique and individual.

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As the "Manager" of a nightclub that incidently is nothing like DNR, Nelson, Dove etc... I am aware exactly how much hard work goes into maintaining a venue, up to and above the standards that are needed to keep in line with licencing conditions. I also know from first hand experiecnce what the knock on effect can be from underage drinking and that it's vital to work with the authorities to wipe it out. For these reasons, yes I think it's funny that a venue, that has been blatently been flaunting these rules has been closed down.

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