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Martial arts: training for a fight

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I know there are a number of experienced coaches on sheffield forum so I'd like to field some questions:


What sort of training schedule would you recommend to prepare for a fight? How long does it take to get that sort of physical fitness? What sort of diet should a fighter eat?


I'm not fighting, but I'd like to improve my general levels of physical fitness and hold them at a constant higher level. Time is limited and I'm only able to train 2-3 times a week, but I think that diet is the major issue. Particularly, what should be eaten the day before a fight or event?

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Not much point in dieting for a fight if your not fighting ?? It also depends how much weight you need to drop.

Training should be 6 days a week. Eat good food, plenty of water 4 litres a day.

That should sort you out.

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No, but I'm still curious as to what the regimen is. I'm not really interested in weight loss; I'm 6'2 and 11 and a half stones with quite low muscle mass. Don't want to bulk up excessively either but I could probably afford to put on some muscle.


Maybe what I'm really asking is two questions:


- what do you do to prepare for a fight, and


- what do you do for a high level of day-to-day fitness.


Also why do you drink that much water? Do you really find that helps? I think I'd get bloated..

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Hi Crayfish,


I can't be arsed mate writing all that on here, if you want to give me a call no probs.

You are welcome to our gym also , to train or take a look at our cardio sessions.


Anyway my numbers on our website http://www.kapapsheffield.co.uk


The water thing, no fat in it, you **** out impurities, fills you up etc , its great for the body :cool:




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I'm considering going to the conditioning / generally harsh MMA class here in manchester tomorrow morning, but I'm kind of put off by the fact that all the regulars have MASSIVE cauliflower ears and missing front teeth! They're built like brick £%$&houses though so it must do some good...


Could definitely use some conditioning. Desk job starting to show, especially with flexibility.


Thanks for the invitation anyway and hope the classes continue to prosper. I'll bear it in mind if I end up back in Shef for any length of time!

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I'm considering going to the conditioning / generally harsh MMA class here in manchester tomorrow morning, but I'm kind of put off by the fact that all the regulars have MASSIVE cauliflower ears and missing front teeth! They're built like brick £%$&houses though so it must do some good...


Did you go to the MMA class? Do you have cauliflower ears now? All your teeth still there?

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