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Trying to gauge interest for a nightlife website


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Hello, had a good concept for a website, and bought myself a suitable domain name, just now trying to work out if its worth pouring time/effort into, so please give me your opinions! (and if you'd be interested to help out, just shout/PM me)


basically a website along similar lines to dontstayin.com, but specifically for sheffield and the surrounding area. A prettily designed site with the ability to log in and talk about nights out, upload pictures, with listings of whats on at all the local clubs, price lists from bars (imagine being able to compare the cost of a night out!), hopefully eventually with some tie-in for members to get cheaper entry into clubs, maybe even in the very long term start hosting a night at a bar or something based around the site (ok now I'm dreaming).


But yes, all you sheff forumers, give me your opinions/advice.


Thanking you in advance.

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the idea is whatever your scene is, it's featured. I need to work out if there's any proprietery open source software that I can prod, rather than build some from the ground up (php nuke or joomla or something).


I'm thinking of approaching all the clubs in sheff and seeing what the venues think of the idea, as well. Wanna get a site set up first mind.


for the record the sites url is scenesheffield.com - though there's nothing on it yet.

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Try it out at least, you've come this far.


Gauge some opinion on the design first as well, I don't know what the majority think but I hate don'tstayin.com - there's too much stuff on the screen at once, it looks ugly and requires far too much clicking to get somewhere. I used it to look for pictures when I'd been out somewhere but I'd never use the forums there. If you could create a more simple design that'd be nice.

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I guess dontstayin has (as said here) become a sprawling mess of a site, and I'd be wanting to integrate phpbb or something similar, in a simple sense.


The local feel, as well, was going to be the clinch. Sheffield has a brilliant, and often overlooked, nightlife, in my opinion catering for all types of music/people, fairly successfully. It's about time it was recognised.


The design concept is fairly fluid. Was going to build a flash site but would be too complicated/restrictive.


I'm looking at something design-wise similar to http://superfluousbanter.org/


bold colours, smooth design, etc.

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I find that dontstayin is a very easy to use website. The messageboard feature could use a little work though.


Would you be looking to make money from the site? I always look at http://www.dontstayin.com , http://www.litteldetroit.net and Sheffield Forum if I want to know what's on. With the exception of Littledetroit (which is run by a record label), all generate revenue through advertising.


I think whatever you do, getting people to use your site is going to be difficult.


Good luck though.

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