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Memories of the Past


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Originally posted by poppins

This is great, i don't think we can get these in the states, i understand someone bought up all the rights to these old radio/tv shows, i think it was Bill Cosby few years back, thanks again.





Hi Poppins, Thanx for the radio station infor. I have been listening to it. You can easily sit there laughing all by yourself when you know what it's all about.

Regards Vera.

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Memories of the Past


I'm going back now to when I was 16, It would be 1952//53.

The yr I left school, the old King's funeral and the new Queen' s coronation. Everything shone new. The sun seemed to shine all day and I had my first real boyfriend. Tony Wood. An Adonis, brown eyes, long eyelashes and black curly hair.

She wears red feathers and a hula hula skirt was on the radio all the time and sets me and Tony Wood forever in that time warp. Quartermast Experiment was a serial on TV, Youth club, amatuer dramatics, cricket at the weekends with a picnic. All is a lifetime away. It all disappeared he went to uni and I found someone else.

I met Tony Wood 40 yrs on he still had the lashes and the brown eyes but the hair was grey and so was mine, but the memories were still there.


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Great to hear your memories , Hazel about 1952/3.

I'm just a stripling at the side of you [!] ; I was 10-11 years old at that time but they did seem great days when the world seemed to be getting better and better.

Memories of the war were fading ; I think everything had come off ration ; no unemployment to speak of ; Stalin had died in March '53 so the Cold War was now less threatening ; the Korean War ended , or at least the fighting did , in 1953 ; then the conquest of Everest and the Coronation.

I started at grammar school that year and we moved house , only about half a mile away and so on a personal level too , it seemed like the dawn of a wonderful new era.

When did it start going wrong , I wonder ?

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Perhaps it didn't go wrong, perhaps we just grew older and saw life from a different angle. I must have left Grammar School as you started.!

It's good to capture exactly what it was like being 16 with the songs, smells, innocence and first love---- all evocative of those times.



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Guest poppins

We were all taken out of school to the pictures to see the Queens coronation, we were all given souvornirs, i jusr remember getting i pair of scissors but i think we got something else too.


I remember my mom saying, if those scissors are made in Sheffield they won't cut butter !


We were at StPatrics then so we just had a short walk down the hill to the pictures, forget the name of the place now.

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Originally posted by hazel


Can anyone share my memories of Whitsuntide clothes.


Every Whitsunday we had to be dressed in new clothes from top to bottom. My Dad, with 3 children in tow, our new shoes rubbbing blisters on our heels, would visit relatives who would give us money for our new clothes. Never found out why. Just tradition I supose.

Our best clothes would have to last the year out, the shoes already scuffed on the toes. On the way back He used to call in the old pub in Pond St. The Queen's Head ? We used to sit on the step and wait for him clutching a pork pie, with the words Don't tell your mother. Not the fact that he had had a drink, but he had left us outside.

These trips ceased when I was 11, my dad was blinded in a steelworks accident, so no more whitsuntide clothes.



Yep Hazel

I remember Whitsunday very well, i allso remember new years eve,i had dark hair so at 1 min to midnight i was pussed out side freezing cold, with my bit of coal, wood,a tanner wrapped up in a bit of news paper and told not to come in till next year, then i had to go to all the Neighbours but it was worth it as i got a tot of sherry off every one, i dont know if the sherry was traditional or it was just to keep me from dying of hiperthermia.

good memories

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Guest poppins
Originally posted by radiomick

Hi Poppins,

I went to St Pats, the cinema was called the Capitol then,later called the Esaldo, Us boys got a penknife each and the girls got a pair of scissors. I was about 7yr old then.


Imagine today giving out weapons as akeep sake ! can't even get on a plane now with those things.


Do you remember a Moreen Wild from St Pats ? she was my best friend, came from a realy big family.

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Originally posted by poppins

Imagine today giving out weapons as akeep sake ! can't even get on a plane now with those things.


Do you remember a Moreen Wild from St Pats ? she was my best friend, came from a realy big family.

The name dont ring any bells, the girls in my class were the Bishop twins, Margaret Bell, Rita Atkins, and some more who's names i cann't remember.

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i remember shuffleing round a packed castle market with mi mam on a saturday..i used to hate it but i put up with it coz i used to get a small plate of cockles:D :D how come the place is never that busy these days:confused: :confused: :confused:

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