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Memories of the Past


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Originally posted by Ousetunes

Nice one, Kirky. I can just about tick all those boxes!


What about garden fires on a Sunday evening. Coming home just as it was getting dark always smelling of smoke? Hands smelling of grass, leaves, bark and mud.


I'm currently reading a book I just know you'd enjoy. It's called Where Did It All Go Right by Andrew Collins and is nothing more than an account of his childhood in Peterborough with chapters devoted to the dairies he kept from 1972.


If it's Action Man, Multi-Coloured Swap Shop and Operation you're after, along with the power cuts and Pineapple Chunks, then you'll love it.


ah the power cuts of 74 ish being the oldest it was my job to fetch the coal from the celler i used to proper **** mi sen going down with mi candle..i reckon i used to get down the celler and back in about 4.2 seconds:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

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Originally posted by vhopkinson

Oh!! I remember so well all this Hazel. We used to wait around for the rug to be finished so we could have it on our bed before it got dirty. If we missed out we mite get my brothers army coat if he was on leave this was always warm.

Remeber the Zebra yes and the Ronuck for the floors. clean piece of newspaper in the doorway too to step on.

I often thought of writing a book.My memory goes back to when I was only 3yrs old. Mind you we were always spotlessly clean but not well off. This scrubbing and polishing has stayed with me all my life as still luv to do house work, these mod appliances help though .Hey. wash days 2 tubs in front of the fire one to wash the other to rinse. Stand there waiting to get in the wash tub before it went cold Shudder!shudder!. Sylvan soap I think it was that floated. Rubbing board and ponsh1 Hope we ain't boring anyone sorry if we are. Good memories tho. Hi Poppins

Regards Vera.


Hi Vera,

I don't think yours or Hazels memories are boring, I was around in those days and it's lovely to look back and be reminded of things gone by I remember quite a lot and some of the things you mention bring more memories flooding back. keep on writing

regards Jan

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Guest poppins

Wanted to bring my favorite thread to the top again !


Now thinking back, wasn't the old money very confusing ? i don't think the young ones realise it, i bet some of us oldies couldn't make change with it now either.


How confusing it must have been for tourists, bet a lot of them got ripped off in the shops back then, those coins were heavy to to carry around, i like the pound pieces thats used now.


How long since the change over ?

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Originally posted by kirky

Way back.....



You did well that lot was fabulous, here I am racking my brain trying to add on to it and youv'e said the lot. (apart from those joggers you mentioned we always called them pumps) Tell you it makes you think because not much of that happens these days does it. The beauty of it all it nealrly all cost nothing.

Don't suppose you tied string to people letter boxes, hid behind a bush when they opened the front door. Ran Off. Tee! Hee!


Thanks Kirky Vera.






remember most or all of these, then you have LIVED.

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Originally posted by Jan39

Hi Vera,

I don't think yours or Hazels memories are boring, I was around in those days and it's lovely to look back and be reminded of things gone by I remember quite a lot and some of the things you mention bring more memories flooding back. keep on writing

regards Jan


Hi Jan, Yes this is a great topic and we all enjoy it and remember so well. Wonder if these were really the "good old days" I think we should write a book between us. lol


Regards Vera.

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Guest poppins
Originally posted by docmel

Sunday Lunchtimes - every pub at 12 o'clock had men outside waiting fro opening. They ALL wore suits.


Yes, my Dad had one suit had it on every sunday to go to the Magnet, in fact the best photo of him i have now is outside the Magnet in his sunday suit.


I remember going once in a while us all going to like a small posh club onBurngreave road, at the end just before the 97 bus turned the corner towards that road towards the Hospital.


The place didn't look like a pub from the outside so i thought of it as a club, mom use to get dressed up to go there, we all sat outisde and drank tizer.

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Originally posted by poppins

Yes, my Dad had one suit had it on every sunday to go to the Magnet, in fact the best photo of him i have now is outside the Magnet in his sunday suit.


I remember going once in a while us all going to like a small posh club onBurngreave road, at the end just before the 97 bus turned the corner towards that road towards the Hospital.


The place didn't look like a pub from the outside so i thought of it as a club, mom use to get dressed up to go there, we all sat outisde and drank tizer.


When I first came to Canada and went to the pub with my cousin he thought I was nuts because I put on a suit( 2nd best one yet) I soon got out of that habit especially when the temperature hit 90 degrees.

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