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Memories of the Past


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Originally posted by Plain Talker

Does anyone remember playing that game with a tennis ball in a stocking/ pait of tights.


You'd swing the ball, knotted in the tights/ stocking, left/ right, and up and down in a cross shape, as you stood against a wall...




Yes! I remember doing that against the wall of our house. The faster you went, the better you were.


It was great until the stocking / tight finally wore out and after one almighty whack the tennis ball would fly off at high speed never to be seen again. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Vera

Thought I'd better transfer to This thread as GPO isn't really talking about Coles Corner.

You've reninded me about Dainties, I'd forgotten all about it. A really wonderful sweet shop..

Was it in Norfolk St and was Marsdens on Change Allley.

I can't remember what was across from the GPO before the cinema, can you ? I think bombed buildings

I used to go to school from Pond St --Sycamore St--Milk St (past the postman's club )---Change Alley--- cross to Angel St and on Campo Lane and so on.


I knew a girl who worked as a telephonist called Nora Hardwick

but perhaps before your time. She said they were ruled with a rod of iron and you had to ask permission, of a very strict superviser, to leave your seat to go to the toilet.




To THe Mods-------I meant this to go in the old thread

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Hi Hazel,I remember Marsdans Milk Bar on Change Alley, and there was newsagents on there I think called Westons?who could be relied on to obtain specialist publications,(no not that sort!)and Dainties was on Norfolk St if I remember, a posher sweetshop than the normal ones.The mention of Sycamore St brings back a memory,my Mum and Dad and their friends used to go in a pub on there called I think the Shakespeare,and one Saturday night me and a mate went to have a drink with them, and when my Dad asked us what we wanted we said " A pint and two straws", and my Dad always one for a joke had a word with the landlord and sure enough we got a pint and two straws!!Keep up the memories Luv'em

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Hi Prioryx


In the thread on Coles Corner Vera was asking if anyone worked at he GPO around that time.

Yes I remember the fence round the bombed buildin now.




Do you remember as you went up Sycamore St that there was, to the rightt, a Blacksmith who used to shoe horses. I'm sure that as I came home from school as a child we passed the open front and sparks used to fly as he hammered. his shoes.


(reminds me of the song, "down in old kentucky where horse-shoes are lucky" )


And can you remember the 100 steps down from the Lyceum to Pond St. We used to run up and down them as children counting as we went.


I remember Westons we used to call in there on Sundays after going to Mass to buy american comics which were different to ours, if we bought tem before, we read them in church. almost a mortal sin.

We could buy a whole lot ffor 2 shillings.


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Originally posted by prioryx


There was a bomb site opposite the GPO building on Flat St. I don't know what was there before. i worked in the GPO in the 50s & 60s and my wife was an operator.


I remember the bomb site opposite the GPO, It was steel girders I was told it was something they had started building before the war,but was posponed because of it. I could be wrong on this.

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Originally posted by prioryx


There was a bomb site opposite the GPO building on Flat St. I don't know what was there before. i worked in the GPO in the 50s & 60s and my wife was an operator.


Hi there Prioryx

Ask your wife if she knew me Vera Pope, I worked in the GPO from 1952-1958 I have a good memory for names I may remember her, I haven,t yet met anyone on here who knows me since I live in Australia now


Regards... Vera.

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Originally posted by hazel

Hi Vera

Thought I'd better transfer to This thread as GPO isn't really talking about Coles Corner.

You've reninded me about Dainties, I'd forgotten all about it. A really wonderful sweet shop..

Was it in Norfolk St and was Marsdens on Change Allley.

I can't remember what was across from the GPO before the cinema, can you ? I think bombed buildings

I used to go to school from Pond St --Sycamore St--Milk St (past the postman's club )---Change Alley--- cross to Angel St and on Campo Lane and so on.



Hi Hazel, Just caught up with the rite thread. Daintys was actually in Fitzalan Square. on the row of shops just where the Taxi Cabs used to stand,think there was a fruit shop but not too sure. Yep. The bomb buildings were opposite the Post Office side where the telegram boys used to go in Were you a telegram boy Priory X LOL


Regards Vera.

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My uncle was the MD of Marsdens. They had milk bars at Change Alley, Pinstone St. and a bakery at Abbeydale. All my family sold ice-cream at Clumber park and ran the lakeside cafeteria. My Grandma who was the Clumber Cafe Manageress actually lived at the back in the old servants quarters of the long gone clumber House. In the 50's I sold ice cream in the kiosk on the cricket pitch. every weekend in season for 12/6d a day. Marsdens eventually became part of the Northern Dairies.

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