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Memories of the Past


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We always had the grey drippin pot in the pantry ready for drippin sandwiches, white bread, pinch of salt, folded in half so you could get it down faster and onto the next one.


Mom use to put the jelly in a big glass bowl and put in in the bath with cold water to set for the next day...took ages.

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can you remember seeing the sand shufflers at the Empire, dressed as egyptians and walking on sand.

I queued to see Joan Regan there and they were on the same bill.

Can you remeember the Gods at the Lycemn and Empire !/6d to go up there, no backs to the seats and tiny figures on the stage.


Hazel Do you recall the gods at the Hippodrome you went in on wellington st,
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Hi hazel, you're at it again arn't you my friend, great thread but can I ask if anyone can remember a Thorntons at the corner of Norfolk Street? I might be wrong and I also remember some single story buildings at the other end of that row which must have been high Street,and eventually it became a steak house?

Nice to "speak" to all us older ones.

Bit higher up. the Elephant was on the corner, Arthur.[ was it a Dainties shop where the bus stop for Petre st was in the sq]

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A few more memories


On cleanliness...my mother managed without a hoover until about 1954. Before that it was a daily routine of sprinkling damp tea-leaves on the carpets and a good sweep with a hard broom. Once a week all the furniture was shifted so she could sweep under the settee and armchairs etc. (and anything less than a tanner I found was mine !). Every so often the carpet was lifted and turned 90° "to spread the wear"...what a performance that was !! Small rugs and mats went out on the washing line and had seven bells (and probably some wildlife) knocked out of them


On entertainment..who remembers the weekly comic "Radio Fun" ? I was lucky enough to see a few of the characters live at the Empire. Two acts I particularly remember were Jimmy Jewel and Ben Warris, and Laurel and Hardy. Can't remember what year we saw L&H...probably about 1950 but I think it was during their last tour of the UK. Pretty sure we saw 'Old Mother Riley' too but that might have been in pantomime.


I also remember one Saturday morning walking back from town with my Dad, George Formby stopped us on Pinstone Street to ask the way to the station, and I got a scutch round the ear from my Dad for being so cheeky as to ask him for his autograph. :mad:


We all loved listening to the radio, some programmes I remember were "In town tonight" on a Saturday I think, "Much Binding in the Marsh" "Family Favourites" and "Down your way".


Someone already mentioned Dick Barton but there was also a really scary science fiction serial I can't remember the name of, - the intro music was 'Mars' from the Planets Suite.

Not forgetting Billy Cotton and his band who had a regular programme for years.

Hi Greybeard Ithink i lived at your house ,moving the carpet round and tea leaves coppers down the COUCH! were mine , and Laurel &Hardy Isaw on my first time at the PICTURES at the Star in Ecclesall rd Arthur.
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Wanted to bring my favorite thread to the top again !


Now thinking back, wasn't the old money very confusing ? i don't think the young ones realise it, i bet some of us oldies couldn't make change with it now either.


How confusing it must have been for tourists, bet a lot of them got ripped off in the shops back then, those coins were heavy to to carry around, i like the pound pieces thats used now.


How long since the change over ?

1971 Ialways remember that rip off Arthur.
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1971 Ialways remember that rip off Arthur.


that's right, it was february 1971 what a rip off!


I still want my other 140 pennies back!


I'm only 42, but i still find it easier to visualise a pint than a litre, an inch than a centimetre, and a mile than a kilometre. I still think in Lbs and Ozs not grammes and kilogrammes.





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