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Memories of the Past


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What a lovely story, I enjoyed reading all of it.

I can remember my mum telling me a smilar story. Keep up the good work.


Cheers from jauntyone


We should print out all these pages to show our Grand & Great-grand children to save us saying....When i was your age !

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just by way of interest I went to school with Colin Gillot of the same firm Iwas a pal also didnt see or hear of him for years then heard he commited suicide poor lad Arthur.
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I remember the bomb site opposite the GPO, It was steel girders I was told it was something they had started building before the war,but was posponed because of it. I could be wrong on this.

You are right about the steel work at the bott of Norfolk st Iused to watch them putting it up as i waited for the Petre st bus inthe sq; and it was on hold till after the war then finished and called the classic i believe. Arthur.

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There are too many odd memories to give a coherent story so here is a sprinkling that might resonate with someone.


Does anyone remember:

The drinking fountain at the entrance to Meersbrook Park or the Ruskin Museum inside?

The shop that sold old stamps on Kent Rd?

The clinic on Heeley Bottom?

The pet 'cave' in the Sheaf market or the `Guess your Weight' at the entrance on Dixon Lane or the Pie and Mash shop?

The smell of the old Victoria market hall and Woore's stall that sold old books, stamps etc?

Enoch's bakery on Cat Lane. (Our house backed onto this.)

Trams with wooden seats?

The magic of a tram journey at dusk past the small active iron foundries in Attercliffe.

remember slamming allthe seats back atthe turminus

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just by way of interest I went to school with Colin Gillot of the same firm Iwas a pal also didnt see or hear of him for years then heard he commited suicide poor lad Arthur.


Don't now Colin but i did know Terry Cox, he drove the Fletchers vans, i had a big crush on him, i think he married a girl called Valerie.

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Hazel, I remember all the things you mentioned and as you said we had no fear as children. I remember grandma who refused to stay in the anderson shelter walking across the yard with a tray laden with the teapot and cups etc. while bombs were falling all around and then she would walk back to the house to do her knitting, I never knew her to knit anything but socks. I also recall us all sitting around the table cutting up strips for the pegged rugs, I still own one of the punches that we used for pushing the strips through the sacking. We are all showing our age aren't we? I was 11 when the war finished.

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Cigarette packets where collected as a hobby, lots to collect.

Remember the double length cig's ,can't remember the name



I’ve been racking my brain for more than an hour, trying to think of the name of those double length cigarettes, but no luck. JUST on my way to bed (at 2.20am) when I remembered! JOYSTICKS.

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Eyup Greybeard..I think that science fiction programme was Quatermass. I remember it used to scare the pants off me.

Who metioned bread & drippin? I could just do with one of my mam's fresh bread cakes wi some on right now. Also remember the sweepin of the carpet anall, also cleaning the lino with a wet cloth. Polishing the table/chairs and the sideboard with that lavender wax polish .Also remember my mam washing with the owd scrubbing board in the sink using a block of fairy soap..and the mangle:suspect: once got my fingers caught in that bl***y thing:mad:

Saturday mornlng my Dad picking the horses out for a bet .Me and my mam taking the bet to a "bookies runner" stood in some outside loo's round the back of some shops Shalesmoor. My Dad was the worst tipster going, used to sit hours on end studying the horses. Never had a winner though :huh:

Memories eh!

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