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Anyone have any info on Coeliac Disease?

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My friends symptoms include wind, bloating, pain, almost permanent constipation interspersed with foul smelling diarrhea - is he worrying about nothing, irritable bowel has also been suggested.


That does sound more like IBS but best to have it checked out.

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To be honest ey up, all the symptoms fit with what i get but for the constipation bit...


Normally, gluten eating symptoms for me start with intense indigestion, the feeling of having eating a lead beachball whole! followed by lots of digestion pain and bloating, veryvery gurgly and painful guts for a few days then up to a week or more of diarrhoea.


Always worth getting these things checked out though, many docs will send you away with 'its IBS' without investigating anything, its a cop-out for them. Some people do have IBS, but it takes tests to diagnose and rule other more serious things out.





And yes PT, i'm due mid January :D

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My mum has had this for years. If you join the Coeliac Society then they produce a book that basically lists all the products that you can/ can't eat(or they used to). Most companies have become very good at labelling whether their products are Gluten Free but some still don't so it could be worth looking into.

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