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Anyone have any info on Coeliac Disease?

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I have found wetherspoons to have a fairly good range of gluten free meals. At the moment the only dessert choice that is gluten free is the mini ice cream tubs on the childrens section of the menu. I had a chocolate tub and a vanilla tub and they were both really nice. Apparantly from 28th April they will be offering a gluten free dessert on the adult menu. At the moment the francis newton (which used to be Aunt Sally's) is my favourite wetherspoons pub to eat at as the staff seem to be really helpful at making sure you get a gluten free meal and understanding the importance of this and coealiac disease.

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My friends symptoms include wind, bloating, pain, almost permanent constipation interspersed with foul smelling diarrhea - is he worrying about nothing, irritable bowel has also been suggested.


My mum had all these symptoms a couple of years back, though she did lose quite a lot of weight as well. She had every test done imaginable and was tested for coeliac disease. She was diagnosed with Malabsorbtion in the end which is basically, her body cant absorb fats. x

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  • 6 months later...

I went for a meal at the Admiral Rodney pub at Loxley in March. It was just Steak and chips and no desert(there may be more choice but i was a fussy eater before i was diagnosed too) but was nice to eat out for a change.

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  • 7 months later...

Hi there, wonder if anyone can help? I think I may have coeliac but not sure. Have had symptoms for past two years, gradually getting worse. After eating I have vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, generally feeling "not quite with it" or "brain fog", legs go wobbly and I become extremely tired. All these things happen anytime from half hour to 2 or 3 hours after eating and very often when I have eaten away from home and I feel very fragile for 2 or 3 days afterwards. My usual food at home is chicken or fish with salad or vegetables but I eat chinese, indian, italian etc when I eat out so I think that's why I'm invariably ill on those occasions as I guess I'm eating more gluten in those meals. I'm awaiting results of a gastroscopy and am trying to prepare myself should the results come back positive. Any ideas what else it could be if not coeliac?

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Hi Moggie!

I'm in the same boat as you, I have an appointment in August to find out if it is Coeliac's i'm battling with,

I have exactly the same stuff as you - it sucks doesn't it.

I have been told it could be to do with IBS, Gallstones and numerous other things over the last 3 years.

The coeliac website has alot of food ideas which look good - not keen on the bread though, or the price!

I hope you find out what's causing it x

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Hi Crystalgirl,


Thanks for replying. I'm hoping to find out the result of my gastroscopy this Friday. In a strange way, I'm hoping it's positive because then I'll know what I'm up against and I know there's loads of support from other coeliacs out there. I suppose once you get used to a new diet regime, you know what foods you can or can't eat but it's like every that's new...it's a bit scary to begin with.

When you see your consultant in August, I would advise you to have the sedation rather than the throat spray. If they give you a strong enough dose, you're away with the fairies and it's all over before you know it. If you're still aware of what's going on, just keep taking deep breaths, it helps with the gagging feeling.

I don't know about you but I have refused quite a few invitations out because I'm so frightened of being ill at someone else's house or even in the restaurant if my symptoms come on rapidly, which they sometimes do.

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i have these symptoms as well. my doc says its just IBS but im not sure.


I have upset stomach (the poops) pretty much everyday. after i eat i sometimes get severe stomach cramps then the poops. after i eat my stomach swells up so bad, sometimes i look 6 months pregnant!! plus i am always tired and drained.


i always worry if i have to eat out as i normally get ill. sometimes i know im going to be ill but other times i have to run to the toilet its horrible.

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It's good to know there are others out there who really understand how horrible and embarrassing these symptoms are. Does anyone know if women or men are more prone to CD or any particular age group or can it strike anyone at any time?

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