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Cannabis the killer

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A newspaper report in Tuesdays Daily Mail stated categoricaly that this drug causes psycosis, split personality, and destroys the brain cells.


Leading to the inability to think for yourself, or live a normal life and having to be cared for, after taking it for only three years. Do cannabis takers really beleive it is harmless? I don't think so!!!

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Originally posted by halevan

A newspaper report in Tuesdays Daily Mail stated categoricaly that this drug causes psycosis, split personality, and destroys the brain cells.


Woah, steady on...this is the Daily Mail after all, which, how can I put it, tends to exaggerate slightly in defence of Queen, country and quaint English quintessentialness (I think I spelt it right). I remember them saying the same about Qat, the leaf Arab and African people often chew, and I have not heard of any deaths or mental illness related to that.


Leading to the inability to think for yourself, or live a normal life and having to be cared for, after taking it for only three years. Do cannabis takers really beleive it is harmless? I don't think so!!! [/b]


Now I agree with you here. I have never seen the benefit of taking anything which alters your mental state, whether that be soft/hard drugs or alcohol or even Qat.

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Originally posted by halevan

A newspaper report in Tuesdays Daily Mail stated categoricaly that this drug causes psycosis, split personality, and destroys the brain cells.


Who cares what the "Daily Fascist" says? Hardly a source of reliable information, is it?


If you're that bothered then don't take cannabis yourself.

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I know people who use it regularly and are fine, and people who use it regularly and are psychologically addicted to it. But that can happen with food, alcohol, exercise, etc.

I'd rather deal with a stoned person than a drunk one any day.

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You have obviously not read the report properly.


Some people who are already suffering from or who are highly likely to suffer from mental illness will become worse if they smoke cannabis.


People who don't have or are highly unlikely to get mental illnesses will be fine.

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A newspaper report in Tuesdays Daily Mail stated categoricaly that this drug causes psycosis, split personality, and destroys the brain cells.


Leading to the inability to think for yourself, or live a normal life and having to be cared for, after taking it for only three years. Do cannabis takers really beleive it is harmless? I don't think so!!!



Well regardless of whether Hal interpreted the article correctly or not, my Mother beats that hands down.


My mother has been smoking the stuff for decades as a 'recreational' drug and looks after the elderly.


Now you can raise all the concerns you like about whether or not she should be in a nursing profession - but it doesn't exactly follow the line of being incapable after only three years of smoking the stuff does it??


Moon Maiden

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Originally posted by Miss_60

.......I know quite a few users who do hash all the time and have smoked for years...as long as the damge is to themeselves and they are not harming anyone else then there is no cause for concern


Except if one of them should attempt to drive while stoned

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