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Cannabis the killer

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

Has anyone who drives a car ever experienced that 'autopilot' effect - driving a familiar and even very long drive, under the influence of nothing whatsoever?


You know the one, where you suddenly think:

"how did I get here, I hardly remember driving all this way"


And you've done it so many times before you could 'do it in your sleep'?


It's a recognised phenomenon in any activity that is boring (familiar) but requires continuous calculation of relative speeds and continuous exercise of control over the vehicle. The 'overmind' wanders off and lets the rest of the brain do the boring stuff while it thinks about something else entirely.


Phew! I thought this was just me! I used to do tonnes of driving on the motorways and I'd often find I was driving on "autopilot". But strangely (and thankfully) I was still able to react if someone did something dangerous! Anyway, have we gone off the original thread a bit here?!

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Exactly - part of your mind took over the complex task controlling the car, leaving you to work on the stuff like navigation or singing or whatever. If you are anxious or agitated, you will never manage to switch on your autopilot. Because the 'autopilot' function doesn't require your active cooperation, your reactions tend be much quicker and more instinctive. Learner Drivers on the other hand must think everything through, and so are more deliberate and error prone.


My personal theory is that small amounts of cannabis may allow a driver to slip into this 'autopilot' method of driving, more easily than normal. This might account for the increased scores of cannabis users in driving simulators.

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

My personal theory is that small amounts of cannabis may allow a driver to slip into this 'autopilot' method of driving, more easily than normal. This might account for the increased scores of cannabis users in driving simulators.


I'd be interested to know more about this, since I thought that smoking cannabis (even in small amounts) and then driving wouldn't normally be a good idea? I thought it was as bad as drinking and driving? Where did you read/hear/see this about cannabis users in driving simulators?

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Most folk taking cannabis are utterly tedious -like drunks.


You're not truely associating with them, if you haven't used the same substance as them. A simple social rule of thumb.


Some of us have had our most creative ideas, and had our most enjoyable and stimulating discussions, whilst in an altered state of consciousness brought on by regular cannabis use.

It tends to be early (in)experience that allow one to act like a "stoner"... because that's what you think you're meant to do. Giggles, munchies, Saying "wow"...



so one needs to be under the influence of the same psychoactive for the social bonding to work... what's it like trying to relate an interesting conversation with someone who's drunk, while you're sober. Not great, is it?

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