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Lie Detector Test For Criminals?

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Because, as mentioned above, 'lie detectors' are actually just machines which measure and chart biological responses, such as increased sweating, heart rate, blood pressure and such.


These work on 'normal' (for want of a better word) people, because we are brought up to believe that lying is wrong, we then encounter pressure when lying - either that we are going to get caught out, or that what we are lying to cover up is wrong.


If a creiminal has no moral quibbles about lying then these responses will be much reduced. Similarly - some serial killers don't believe that they are wrong for ridding the world of their victims, again these tests would not work for them. There are many situations where a 'lie detector' test is just not suitable, and in my opinion a court of law is most certainly one of them.


On the flip side, someone could be shown to be lying by such a test, just because they get stressed out by the questioning, or by particular questions. If you are asked about something personal that stresses you then the physical response can be very similar to that induced by the stress of lying.

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Lie Detectors have been shown to be only 97% or so accurate. All the crims would then claim to be in that 3% margin.


John Ashcroft (the US Attorney General) claimed that lie detectors had a 15% false positive rate. In truth, the interpretation of polygraph test are entirely subjective and can easily be fooled. Even results presented by the American Polygraph Association (APA) show that the results are wrong 20% of the time. It's actually quite scary that they are often used to vet candidates for jobs that require security clearances.

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  • 4 years later...
Because lie detectors are not 100% correct


It would be more accurate to say that lie detectors don't detect lies. They detect physiological changes in the body. These responses do not directly translate into proof of lying and as such are not an objective way of testing for lies. Instead the results are subjectively interpreted by the tester who then decides whether the subject was lying.

The whole process is nothing more than pseudoscience with no scientific validity whatsoever whose effectiveness is solely in intimidating the subject into making a confession or slipping up under questioning.



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