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Blue Ball Hillsborough - Sat 30/10/04


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I've just got back from the Blue Ball in Hillsborough tonight (the first time i've been there for about six months) and what I saw tonight was nothing but an absolute disgrace.


First of all (I think) this guy was kissing another guy on the dancefloor, was he just messing about with his mates or was is his boyfriend? I don't know, anyway for his brovado he got the **** kicked out of him. It was instigated by one bloke, but his mates soon joined in, and to be honest I feel guilty for not stepping in (although I wanted to), but I know it would've meant a black eye and a very sore head, so I decided that it would be best to let the 10+ bouncers sort it out, however it seem that the guy who got leathered took the blame for the fight!


Then unbelivable they played "Karma Chameleon" by Culture Club and everybody (and I mean everyone (even those involved in previous events)) danced to!


Then (although the atmosphere was a little be tenser that before) the night seemed to progress with any out further trouble...


...until time at the bar... when someone decided it would be a 'reet laff' to set off a pepper spray! I'm not the allergic type, I know that when I sneeze it means that the air is not that great, but when sneeze three times in a row (from my experience of working clubs in Manchester) it mean the air is ****ed, so I told my mates to leave their drinks and head to the front of the building, on the way my good friend (who knew exactly what was happening) saw one of the security guys and told him that someone had set off mace or pepper spray, however the guy just walked off and compleatly ignored him. Seeing at least one hundred people in one building sneezing uncontrolably is pretty surreal. Although the air at the front of the pub smelt 'clean' we decided it was better to get the **** out before hell broke loose inside.


As we left the pub people were steaming from the dancefloor very red eyed and holding their face. As we got outside we saw at least ten young lads that were in a bad state, I offered them help and asked them if they wanted me to get them some water but they seemed to be ok (besides the puking up, streaming eyes and shortnes of breath).


A few of my mates (who don't think as calmly as me!?) we absolutly fuming and were ready to go, but luckily I managed to get everybody to walk up to Hillsborough corner, however, as we walked away we say girl's coming out of the pub in a very distressed state.


Now over an hour since this happend I've got a funny 'heavy' type of headache and my eyes feel very tired/irritated and to be honest I think I took only 1/1000th of what some people got.


Although the blue ball has a bit of a Chav (I hate that word) reputation I can never remember it being this bad.... Do you think it was a one off, or in six months has society (at least in Hillsborough and the surronding areas) gone down a notch?

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Shame to read all this about Hillsboro,I'm going back a bit ,not too long ago ,when it was a good nite out at Hillsborough,good boozers,The Shakesphere,The Blue Ball,The Masons,The Queens Ground,Pubs that catered for everybody and Dial House only a short bus ride away.What do theses yobs want for a good nite out baffles me.

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Your better going in either the deep end or the queens ground these days.

Or you can do what I do and fork our 90p to hop on a tram and go in the harley (next to the university tram stop) £2.50 for doubles, and u can get back on a tram as late as midnight (harley open til 12:30)

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when i go to hillsbro' with my friends i never go in the ball for that reason,


i think the shakey and the masons on the bridge are the best two pubs to go in maybe im getting old but you dont seem to see many underage kids in or idiots looking for trouble in there.


And the ball is now shut for referb. thinks its a week but may be 2

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