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Why wont ppl employ me

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I am in a signed band so i have to be able to get off work early some days. I have my lip pierced, stretched ears. I have good grades i have c in english n maths. But no one will employ me. I think i should sue all of the companys.

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Originally posted by curtis

I am in a signed band so i have to be able to get off work early some days. I have my lip pierced, stretched ears. I have good grades i have c in english n maths. But no one will employ me. I think i should sue all of the companys.


why not smarten ya sen up a bit:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by curtis

I am in a signed band so i have to be able to get off work early some days. I have my lip pierced, stretched ears. I have good grades i have c in english n maths. But no one will employ me. I think i should sue all of the companys.


Are you saying that you really don't know why?

Maybe you need to apply for something more in your field. The fact that you need to get off work early will put employers off. It shows a lack of commitment to them.

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Its probably the getting off early bit. Ive got 16mm lobes, a pierced septum, and a lot of tattoo work, yet Ive worked for a government department, and am currently working in electronics. As someone else says, telling them you need to go early on certain days shows a lack of commitment.

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Originally posted by angel_b

I also have stretched ears, a pierced nose, septum, labret and tragus with considerable tattoo work. Never stopped me getting a job or keeping one. As others have said, you need to have more flexibility for an employer to take you seriously.



Are you a human?

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Originally posted by curtis

I am in a signed band so i have to be able to get off work early some days. I have my lip pierced, stretched ears. I have good grades i have c in english n maths. But no one will employ me. I think i should sue all of the companys.


Read your own post, a few clues in there.

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I don't whether Kirky was being sarcastic or not, but a lot of local councils operate a flexi-time scheme which would give you some flexibility.


Or maybe something like construction work - as far as I know, they start early and knock off early. Either way, you still have to put in a days work though.

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