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It could only happen in a nightclub - examples please

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Can people give examples of things that are specific to nightclubs. Please don't pick on obvious things like dancing etc but more ways of behaviour and attitudes. In other words do people behave differently in clubs than they would say elsewhere. Do they adopt a different persona?

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When I worked at a well known Australian themed bar back home in Birmingham I remember a particularly funny incident.


Closing time and i'm starting to get ready to lock up. I'm in the ladies toilets downstairs with one of the other doorman, in the ladies I find a young lady has fallen asleep on the thrown, knickers round her ankles etc. She has also been sick in her underwear. Deciding I want to be well away from this vision of loveliness when we wake her I decide a opint of water will wake her up quite quickly. Cut to a couple of minutes later and I am perched on the toilet in the next cubicle along with a pint of water to pour over the young ladies head. This I do. Lady wakes up and the following conversation took place :-


Me "Wakey, wakey love we are closed."


Lady looks up.


Lady "Oh ok no problems"


and then it happens. She hauls her Vomit covered underwear up WITHOUT looking. I laugh so hard I fall off the toilet I am stood on and fall onto my colleague breaking his wrist. Lady takes two steps, stops, looks, bursts into tears and runs up the stairs and out the door into the night.


She came back the next week like nothing had happened.

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People openly approach you and ask if you have any drugs? that's happened to me a couple of times, one time I turned to my mate and said "does he know who I am?! I'm Drug Squad!" his face dropped! informed him afterwards "Just kidding", The way the human face can change shape so quickly still amazes me!

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