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Eddie Izzard

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I hear EI is coming to the Arena in December. I shall have to start saving up as I think he is gorgeous and very talented.


My hubby can't understand how I could possible fancy a guy who cross dresses and wears make up but he is just sooooo sexy.


Anybody else (male or female) think EI is the bees knees.:wow:

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Originally posted by Moon Maiden

I have a problem with the guy since he did a documentry slagging of my homeland :D .


Whatever floats your boat Mo!!! :D


Moon Maiden


Tell me more Moon. Do you mean Barnsley and the sort of thing that Jeremy Clarkson did to Rotherham.

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No - He did an documentry for the Discovery Channel or something like that - that sited everything that the British hold sacred as forgien.


I personally have a pet hate for anyone or anything that immediately tries to take everything away from the British Nation and refuses to acknowledge what we have actually done for our country and the world at large.

Like National Debt :D


Moon Maiden

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Immigration was part of the world order since humans first walked the earth - the first humans were wandering tribes people.

After the Ice age we had the first peoples that settled on these isles after being cut off from the European continent.


A body found in the Cheddar gorge dated from the retreat of the last Ice Sheets was found to have a 'direct' descendant living less than four miles from where the body was discovered. Example of a true British person??


The British Isles had developed independantly of all surrounding cultures and nations, farming and agricultural techniques, trade, crafts and of course my personal favourite - religious beliefs and practises.


So just what was it you were talking about again? No such thing as the British Isles before immigration?? I guess it depends on how you take the scientific and historical information available.


Moon Maiden

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Read what I said again. Then read what you did. Then feel silly.


All the series was saying is that attitudes like yours (blinkered nationalism tinged with xenophobia) were precisely what Izzard was showing to be illogical considering the fact that, especially since the renaissance, we've been highly influenced by our non-native population.


"The British Isles had developed independantly of all surrounding cultures and nations, farming and agricultural techniques, trade, crafts and of course my personal favourite - religious beliefs and practises."


This is just not true. The British Isles was at the forefront of exploration and trade, and was highly influenced by a number of factors - the French invasion, for example, or the discovery of the spice routes, or the appreciation of the arts brought about by the renaissance, or the teachings of Marx and Engels, or ...


One can go on and on.

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