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Eddie Izzard

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Originally posted by Dick Dastardly

It seems like there's going to be a number of Forum regulars there tonight. Maybe we all should meet and have a pint and/or a chat?


Nice idea Dick, Unfortunately I can't commit to meeting before the gig as I'm not sure what time we'll be setting off.

If a meet is arranged (before or after) let me know 'where & when' and we can try and make it.



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Would be cool 2 meet up wi a few peeps but dunno what time me and chums are setting off!


Gonna pop to pub beforehand cos drinks are goddamn pricey in Arena :mad:


Hope you all have a good un!

Im gonna be goin like summat out of Rocky Horror! bit more restrained tho! I'll be the mad person waving a red feather boa! keep em peeled! :loopy:


Mwah xxx

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Really enjoyed it, though as with many comedy things I've seen I'm struggling to recall any of his jokes.....


...something about horses with bits of wood nailed to their hooves, and chewing gum on the wood in order that they can hold cards and had learned to play canasta......


...flies trying to get out of a window chanting like monks....


....rich people on horses with flame throwers hunting flies instead of foxes...


....medusa at the hairdressers....


...transvestites and superheroes....


...guide dogs that had failed to get their licence....


Hmm. I guess you had to be there - it's the way he tells 'em.



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