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ABC Minors

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I used to go there, he was big fat guy.


I remember queing outside there on a Saturday Morning, the placed used to get packed.


For those who don't know what we are talking about this was a cinema and the ABC used to have a sat am kids show.

They used to show Laurel and Hardy and stuff like that plus cartoons. I used to go early 70's.


I also remember queing on Boxing day for the premier of Jaws

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I lined up on the very first day in 1967 and went for many years.

Flash Gordon was a regular and it was quite frightning with Buster Crabb and Ming.

There was always a feature film and one that sticks out in my mind was a film starring Joe Brown and a Lion, never seen it since, anyone know of that one.

** We are the boys and girls are known as, minors of the ABC, and every Saturday all line up to see the films we like to shout aloud with glee,,,,LALaLA can't remember the rest but ends with **where all friends together,, were minors of the ABC.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can't remember his name but do remember going on stage every other week with some old birthday cards and wearing my ABC badges. This of course got you a free pass for the next week, but the birthdays I got through.... I must have had 12 a year!

Also used to migrate from the cheap seats to the pullman seats when the lights went down, thats about the extent of my criminal activity to date! (Apart from that Mars bar I nicked from Mrs Bignalls sweet shop on leppings lane in 1971)

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by Stanningtondeb

Does anyone remember the name of the bloke who used to come on the stage during the ABC Minors' singsong? We know it's 'Uncle' something but someone please put us out of our misery!!


Depends what year it was.


If it was late 70's to early 80's it would be 'Uncle Les'. The manager of the ABC at the time was a guy called Les Allen. He did the 'Uncle' bit.


I seem to remember that you had to enter by the side for the ABC Minors. This led to the side corridor feeding the front lounge area. A couple of tables with cheaper sweets was positioned there.


To be quite honest, I was amazed that the ABC Minors lasted in to 80's as there was plenty on TV on a Saturday morning. The only thing going for it was the size of the screen, it was huge.

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Originally posted by panda79

oh god memories are made of this lol

who rembers the guy who changed the posters at the abc around 74-5 all i rember about him was that he had a big neck

Yeah i know the guy your on about, i met him about 15 years ago when he worked for the council doing repairs, he also went into buying property and renting it out. Also he run a bed and breakfast.

I knew him when he lived in Pitsmoor and the last time i met him he was living at Parson Cross.

I,m sure he was saying he was moving abroad.

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Hi Guyz

I am so glad some people remember the sat ABC minors.

I'm 35 years old and i have a burning question for you.....

Does anyone remember a programme that was played at the ABC minors called....

Nico - The rainmaker?

To help you along.....

I think it was a south American weekly show which was a

To Be Continued.....

and Nico had.......... NO body.

Nico was just a head in a box.

This is really sending me crazy, Hopefully somebody can help me from going insane ..LOL

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