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Do you remember how mucky Sheffield was before the clean air act?


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Does anyone know which year the last cooling tower at Neepsend Power station was built?


I as told that the builders up on the top of the tower had a great view of Sheffield.


Gradually the smoke from the chimneys completely obscured the view.


Happy Days! PopT


Hi PopT,the last cooler was built around 1950 I cant pinpoint it as I was an infant Tup then,it was behind our cottage maybe 500 yds away my mother used to walk me round it sometimes,it was steam coming out the top I remember great clouds of choking yellow sulpher eminating from the power station,thats the reason they built the very high concrete chimney to disperse it.By that time the place was an eyesore,at the side of our house was a small wood behind that an enormous sports field complete with pavillion with bathrooms all buried under thousands of tons of coal thats where they placed the cooler,a paradise turned into a s---hole a crying shame but thats progress!.:loopy::roll:

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Back of your stockings and bottom of coat used to be splashed black when it rained. Remember going from Manor to City Road to get home feeling garden walls the fog was so thick, daren't cross the roads in case I lost all orientation. Really scary.

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]Back of your stockings and bottom of coat used to be splashed black when it rained[/b]. Remember going from Manor to City Road to get home feeling garden walls the fog was so thick' date=' daren't cross the roads in case I lost all orientation. Really scary.[/quote']


That still happens lol.

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The brewers in the Wicker used to give out foul smells every now & then.

They were the most beautiful smells in the World the ones around the Wicker,

The steam rising from the works across the river ,the sound of the big hammers in the forge,the tram clangling away up to Haymarket, all this mixed with the smell of hops from the brewery .And to top it all the sounds and sights of the rag and tag a short distance away with the Market barrow lads shouting watch your back mrs as they weaved in and out of the packed shoppers ,

Brilliant and gone!

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They were the most beautiful smells in the World the ones around the Wicker,

The steam rising from the works across the river ,the sound of the big hammers in the forge,the tram clangling away up to Haymarket, all this mixed with the smell of hops from the brewery .And to top it all the sounds and sights of the rag and tag a short distance away with the Market barrow lads shouting watch your back mrs as they weaved in and out of the packed shoppers ,

Brilliant and gone!


Meat hanging outside the butchers shops, flowers being sold on every corner,

people dashing accross the streets in-between the trams with shopping baskets, you could jump on and off a tram anywhere, never having to worry about getting mugged in town, if you dropped your purse someone would hand it back to you....

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Meat hanging outside the butchers shops, flowers being sold on every corner,

people dashing accross the streets in-between the trams with shopping baskets, you could jump on and off a tram anywhere, never having to worry about getting mugged in town, if you dropped your purse someone would hand it back to you....


The high price of diversity.

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daven, I remember Carbrook School (lately players cafe) at Attercliffe, being sandblasted clean. I would only have been 2, or 3 at the most. I remember how odd it looked, changed from blackened stone to pristine-looking sandstone colour.


I have seen the phootgraphs of the Town Hall, all black and filthy-looking, but I don't remember it being cleaned. does anyone know what year the TH was cleaned?


Also, I'm a bit curious, Darnall road school was cleaned. Sharrow Lane school was, Carbrook, Brightside, Lowfield, Anns Road... the church and school (?) the one on the right-hand side of Elesmere road as you head out-of town was cleaned up, Earl marshal (now fir vale) was, Orphanage road was cleaned, Porter croft and Highfield were. Daniel hill school, crookesmoor and netherthorpe, asn Springfield schools also got the sandblaster treatment.

HI Plain talker, the one you missed was All Saints, my old school and church,

and what a beautiful Church it was, a lump came in my throat as l sat in the car watching the demo gang pull it down, only a few years after it was cleaned at a cost of many thousands.It was supposed to renovate Peter st Chapel with the salvage remuneration, but many rears later there was no evidence of restoration, weird and wonderful planing l worked at the Town Hall so enough said. Cheers Arfer Mo.





the one near Wisewood (Malin Bridge?) was, as were Bole Hills, Crookes Endowed, and the two schools at Walkley, Hillsborough School and Beeley Wood, and the other school on Halifax Road, (Parson Cross School) were.


but, Gleadless and Handsworth Schools, Lydgate school, Burton Street school, Pye-Bank and Woodseats school, the two on Meersbrook (Meersbrook Bank and the one near Albert Road) weren't, Salmon Pastures and Greystones School weren't, nor was Carter Knowle, to my knowledge.


I find it a bit weird that some were, and some weren't, and gernerally, the proximity or lack-of doesn't give any clues... does anyone know why this happened?


I wonder... maybe some schools opted out, or maybe the money ran out part way through "Operation Sandblast"...?


sorry, this is a rambl-y geek-y post, but I am quite curious why some were and some weren't cleaned.

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:rant::rant:HI Plain talker, the one you missed was All Saints, my old school and church,

and what a beautiful Church it was, a lump came in my throat as l sat in the car watching the demo gang pull it down, only a few years after it was cleaned at a cost of many thousands.It was supposed to renovate Peter st Chapel with the salvage remuneration, but many rears later there was no evidence of restoration, weird and wonderful planing l worked at the Town Hall so enough said. Cheers Arfer Mo.


edited as I've re-read the post and can see arfer's comment hiding itself within mine!


Yes, I had forgotten the school and church, and I do remember them being cleaned.


I also remember the ridiculous decision to demolish, and my childhood dismay when travelling past, to find they were gone.

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