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How to end a six month relationship without hurting him too badly.

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There is no way to do it without hurting him really badly if he's as in love with her as he seems to be.


I would recommend that she is honest and tells him that the relationship is not what she wants, and then makes sure that she leaves him with no shreds or half-promises to hang on to- it will only be worse if she's not emphatic and positive in her assertion to him.


They work together and see each other every day, it's going to be really hard to make it a clean break

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as difficult as it will be, she has to be blunt, direct and leave no room for false hope. Indicate that it is over. It will hurt the guy and that's unfortunate but he will get over it. The kids will be upset probably but that is down to their dad, he is the one who has to heal that hurt.


hope she can move on and that they can all find happiness in the future.

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They work together and see each other every day, it's going to be really hard to make it a clean break


This is one of the reasons that dating a work colleague is a really bad idea (although I recognise that this statement is a fat lot of help once your friend is already in the position that she's in).


I'd seriously consider changing jobs or moving departments if that's what it takes. In my opinion there is no easy or painless way of doing this- and half doing it, or risking giving him a reason to hope it will happen in the future, will only make things worse.

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