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How to end a six month relationship without hurting him too badly.

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Don't worry peeps, I'm not dumping my little love monkey. My friend has come to a point in her relationship where she feels they need to part ways, however he is desperately in love with her. He has 2 children and wants her to become their second mum, she doesn't want this and has explained it no end of times. He is a lovely guy but just wrong for her, he wants the little woman to build a nest with and as she only came out of her marriage a short while ago she wants to spread her wings for a while and discover herself. What should she do? He involved his kids very early on without her permission or prior knowledge and now she feels like she's letting down a whole family.

Please can anybody offer some words of advice?



Sounds like a nice guy. Whats she gonna do if she ends up with mr right who [MAY] knock her about.

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To be honest there is no point sugar coating it in any way. Either way he's going to be hurt so rip off the plaster and expose the wound. Do it in person and not pver the phone as this will no doubt lead to him hating you.


However I do remember a line from the movie Dogma which is always a back up plan.


You could get him to go on a night out with the boys or be in some other social situation where he will become very drunk. Then pay a "liberal minded" female to flirt and make out with him while he's drunk. You then arrange for a friend to be in eyeshot of this incident and you find out this way. Therefore you break up with him due to his infidelity.


Bish bosh, relationship over. :)


Now while the above is both wrong and not very nice :nono:, it may prove to be an easy way out of the situation. :wink: Your call. :!:

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