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Recommend a phone provider who doesn't charge extra for "non direct debit"

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Just checked up on BTs payment processing fee which they charge to customers who do not pay by direct debit or monthly payment plan which is the same as Toucan, which as I said before includes itemised billing, something that BT does not and will not provide.


As far as I have been able to ascertain BTs policy on non-itemised billing seems to have something to do with some EU Directive and how they present, or more to the point, do not present items/services which are non-chargeable.

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I'm not being funny, but why don't you just erm... pay by Direct Debit?



Three reasons :


1 I very much object to the basic principle of allowing some supplier to take however much they want from your account unless you query it and then you have to stop it in time. I`m sure if you did stop the DD there would very likely be problems.


2 There have been a few banks which have p****d me off in the past (eg the HSBC when they stopped me from phoning my local branch) so I moved my A/Cs, including my business A/Cs. When ever I have done this there has been a problem with about half the DDs getting paid, or even transferred at all.


3 It`s the bleedin` principle. I`m the customer and (provided I don`t bounce a CQ and pay on time) I should be able to pay as I want to and always have done. BT are so bloody arrogant.

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3 It`s the bleedin` principle. I`m the customer and (provided I don`t bounce a CQ and pay on time) I should be able to pay as I want to and always have done. BT are so bloody arrogant.



You can pay as you want to. Meanwhile, they can charge you whatever the blazes they like. They have freedom of choice as well, y'know.

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That`s all very well but let`s remember that (as far as I`m aware) BT charge the line rental, usually a significant proportion of the total bill, in advance so they don`t even risk "losing" that if they`re not paid.

Furthermore it`s no problem for them to cut off anyone who doesn`t pay, unlike the electricity/gas/water suppliers for instance.

There`s no bleedin` excuse for it, and one last thing what about those with no bank account ?

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Three reasons :


1 I very much object to the basic principle of allowing some supplier to take however much they want from your account unless you query it and then you have to stop it in time. I`m sure if you did stop the DD there would very likely be problems.


2 There have been a few banks which have p****d me off in the past (eg the HSBC when they stopped me from phoning my local branch) so I moved my A/Cs, including my business A/Cs. When ever I have done this there has been a problem with about half the DDs getting paid, or even transferred at all.


3 It`s the bleedin` principle. I`m the customer and (provided I don`t bounce a CQ and pay on time) I should be able to pay as I want to and always have done. BT are so bloody arrogant.


It's those extra services of being able to pay by cheque in your own time that costs you £3 extra a month.

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  • 7 years later...
I'm not being funny, but why don't you just erm... pay by Direct Debit?


I`ve thought about this trite response many times over the last year whilst engaged in an ongoing battle with Scottish Power to get the electricity bills for my shop correct. Basically they`re not bothered because they`re getting paid anyway. They just fob you off every time, in fact, incredibly, if you phone up and ask to speak to a manager they just tell you there aren`t any managers on site ! A bare faced lie, who opens up in the morning ! !

Worse still, you`re in a weak position to leave because, I assume, if the bill with the existing supplier is in dispute I assume there`d be a problem over leaving them for another supplier.

I dream about the days where a supplier would send you a bill every three months, if it was right you`d just pay it, if it was wrong you`d phone through a correct reading, they`d send you another bill and you`d pay that.

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I`ve thought about this trite response many times over the last year whilst engaged in an ongoing battle with Scottish Power to get the electricity bills for my shop correct. Basically they`re not bothered because they`re getting paid anyway. They just fob you off every time, in fact, incredibly, if you phone up and ask to speak to a manager they just tell you there aren`t any managers on site ! A bare faced lie, who opens up in the morning ! !

Worse still, you`re in a weak position to leave because, I assume, if the bill with the existing supplier is in dispute I assume there`d be a problem over leaving them for another supplier.

I dream about the days where a supplier would send you a bill every three months, if it was right you`d just pay it, if it was wrong you`d phone through a correct reading, they`d send you another bill and you`d pay that.


Err probably the security guard. :roll:

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Pay your bill less the £4.50 and then when they contact you to ask why tell them. I have done this. I dont see why I should be penalised by not paying by DD.


Because it costs them more money to process and you've agreed to it in a contract you've formed with them...


Oh, just spotted that this is ancient, 8 years old and resurrected.

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