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The Ocelot Cafe


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Catching up after ages on history of Ocelot, etc! Confirming other information, the Leprechaun WAS opened first by Bill Woodhams who went on to own newspaper shop for years at Crookes. Then Mick Housley. I am sure, tho, that it was also at some time owned by Bryon Mooney and called Chez Bryon, and I do know for sure, as I said before, that my late husband, Michael, and his mates took it over and called it The Faintest Idea without much success! Mick Housley and wife Laurel lived for some time in a flat at the back of the cafe on Glossop Road. I also remember the cellar he converted downstairs with the glass bottle wall - I remember getting slaughtered there one night in the company of Mick Cowan (ex boxer now deceased unfortunately) amongst others. As for the Sidewalk cafe, it WAS on Chapel walk and I spent many a Saturday afternoon there "posing" as Ruby said. I do believe she was right in saying it was owned by Harry Hart, but I think he had a son who was a right little squirt who used to run it - think his name was David, and he, like Ruseel Beamer (a friend of Mick Housley and my late husband) used to show off in a sports car. Do any of you remember the Mods congregting outside Peter Robinson's store where Primark is situated now? It was a great time to be young - all the scooter boys, of which I dated one! All nighters at the Mojo - saw Ike and Tima there - also the Blue Moon Club, also run by Pete & Geoff Stringfellow - oh those were the days as Mary Hopkin sang - "my" tavern was the Broomhill Tavern where I met my late husband in 1968! Kids today don't know the half do they?



David Lidguard didn't he shoot himself

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Catching up after ages on history of Ocelot, etc! Confirming other information, the Leprechaun WAS opened first by Bill Woodhams who went on to own newspaper shop for years at Crookes. Then Mick Housley. I am sure, tho, that it was also at some time owned by Bryon Mooney and called Chez Bryon, and I do know for sure, as I said before, that my late husband, Michael, and his mates took it over and called it The Faintest Idea without much success! Mick Housley and wife Laurel lived for some time in a flat at the back of the cafe on Glossop Road. I also remember the cellar he converted downstairs with the glass bottle wall - I remember getting slaughtered there one night in the company of Mick Cowan (ex boxer now deceased unfortunately) amongst others. As for the Sidewalk cafe, it WAS on Chapel walk and I spent many a Saturday afternoon there "posing" as Ruby said. I do believe she was right in saying it was owned by Harry Hart, but I think he had a son who was a right little squirt who used to run it - think his name was David, and he, like Ruseel Beamer (a friend of Mick Housley and my late husband) used to show off in a sports car. Do any of you remember the Mods congregting outside Peter Robinson's store where Primark is situated now? It was a great time to be young - all the scooter boys, of which I dated one! All nighters at the Mojo - saw Ike and Tima there - also the Blue Moon Club, also run by Pete & Geoff Stringfellow - oh those were the days as Mary Hopkin sang - "my" tavern was the Broomhill Tavern where I met my late husband in 1968! Kids today don't know the half do they?


This is probably not the right place on the forum to write this but I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to Gillyflower's late husband, who I had lost touch with prior to his untimely death. A man with a good word for everyone he knew and always a welcoming smile.

His sister once said of him, he got on the Lodgemoor bus, from his job at the University, and by the time he had passed the time of day with people he knew on the bus he hadn't got to her when he had to get off on Lidget lane.

A little nonsence tale I know but sums Michael up completely.

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  • 1 year later...
Catching up after ages on history of Ocelot

We used the Broomhill cafe a lot 1967-69.


Names to remember: Nigel Bushel, Diarmid Phipps, Martin Lehane, Isabel Bird, Rachel Layman, Dave Scott-Walker, Brian Holt ...


Proprietor Mick, forever courteous, smiling.


I lived in a rented flat nearby at Ashgate Road (Ashdell?) in one of George Helsing's houses.

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Great thread, it's beamed me back to god's decade. No reason to rubbish the late David Lidgard by the way, he was of above average height, immaculately dressed, very polite and he's not here to defend himself. I used to go to the Ocelot after chucking out time at the Heart Beat, it had the best pin ball machines in Sheffield. What a decade, I had my Mini 1000, enough cash to go out every night and I was young, bliss.

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Ocelot Cafe was owned by Mick Housley who went on to become successful in antiques. He also jointly owned a cafe in Broomhill called Che Bryon with a guy called Bryan Mooney (of the famous family I believe). My husband and his friends took over the cafe in Broomhill and called it The Faintest Idea but it did not stay open long after that! The Favorita was the first Italian coffee bar to open and was frequented by many of the mods in Sheffield (myself included) after we had danced the night away at the Esquire club. I always thought there was a downstairs to Favorita as well but that was obviously the Ajanta next door. Hppy days!!!


Did you know Jean Parkes? She would be circa 69 now. She married a Spaniard called Paco who ran the Dore Grill, I think that they both went to work on the cross Atlantic liners. Jean was 6 years older than me and knew everybody who was anybody, I'm talking circa 1962/1964.

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One Saturday, the Blades played Aston Villa in the cup at the Lane.

The Ocelot became packed with Villa supporters all wanting a meal.

The staff obviously were under pressure and Roy Tamblin who at the time was playing football for Brunswick Trinity, couldn't turn out that afternoon leaving us with 10 men.


Can't remember the result of the game and can't think for the life of me why I should remember that after probably 45 years.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm know I used to go to the Ocelot now and then (we used to ride around between 2 or 3 cafes most nights) but I can't think for the life of me where it was or what it looked like. I know you've said "near Bramall Lane" but that's not jogging my memory either. - still hoping for any pics that anybody may have from any of the Mod haunts that have been mentioned.


The ocelot is now james cycle shop on bramall lane,coming from united ground its the one on the right,as james is on both corners

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