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Appalling Sheffield Clubs

Robbie Loving

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Well, after a night out i must say how disappointed i am with sheffield clubs!!


The 3 major ones ie republic, kingdom and leadmill, all on a monday night are "student" only!!


fair enough, students have it hard, and you can offer them cheaper things, but not to allow fellow people (ie a general public, willing to pay a vast amount more than students) is beyond stupidity!!!


first of all we went to leadmill,

now we had pre-booked tickets (there was 7 of us, gonna spend a fair amount) at no time when we purchased the tickets, at £3 each was we asked for NUS cards, nor was we told it was a student night, nowhere on the tickets does it state "students only" nor does it say it on the posters, in fact posters state "£2:50 with NUS/£4 without"


so ok, we gets to leadmill and we go to the queue for the tickets!! to be turned away cause we did not have student cards on us, whemn asked about tickets etc, they stated it was a "student orientated" night!! and also management have the right to refuse entry,

ok, on the second point fair enough, yeah they do have that right, but they stopped us for not being students, in fact the only reason they pullled us over is cause we did not look like students!!


so OK, we left it, gave our tickets to people n the queue, and went up to kingdom, ANOTHER student night, we was not allowed in with out NUS cards, i really could not believe this!!!

we chatted about it for a bit and went to republic,


now we saw some people get turned away for not being students, but thankfully we didnt,

and i went in republic, we had a great night, caused no bother to anybody, and contributed to other peoples good night


now i ask you, why is it possible to be DISCRIMNATED (and yes thats what it is) against being a student.

after all, we are the people from sheffield, and we are not allowed in our OWN clubs!!


fair enough, they probly think that students and others dont mix, but sometimes you just have to use your discretion, and it seems, sadly, that these bouncers have not got a brain cell between them!!


it is frustrating, as i go out, and i spend a fair amount of money, so to be turned away from an establishment, just because im not a tax dodger, seems to me quite atrocious!!





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Originally posted by Robbie_Lovin

it is frustrating, as i go out, and i spend a fair amount of money, so to be turned away from an establishment, just because im not a tax dodger, seems to me quite atrocious!!


hey, thanks for that nice insult there Robbie :D wtf you on about tax dodger? I buy a pair of shoes or trousers and i pay tax on it same as you do, same as i pay tax on every other thing I buy like you!


anyways, as for student nights, well the students have only been here a month, all the clubs etc are trying to get new business... you cant really blame them can you?


at the end of the day, the leadmill one sucks, i agree with you there seen as you bought tickets for it, but y'know if they're having a students night then they're not gonna let non-students in!


there are places in town that don't let students in, or are 21+... maybe I dont like that discrimination either? I dont particulally like getting ID'd for most bars/clubs either even though I'm almost 20...


maybe you just need to dress more like your royally skint then you'll get away with it... or try and grab some fake SHU or Sheffield Uni card :P

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Clubs are in the very very tough business of trying to make enough to stay open.....its very hard out there with so many clubs competing for finite numbers of punters and a finite source of revenue. Students are seen as easy promotional targets as they generally are drunk all the time and spend mega-amounts of cash in bars and clubs. So, therefore, logically, both bars and clubs will target this market sector, and willingly at the expense of other less certain markets. Certainly outside of the weekend, clubs are fighting to pack their venues out.....and its easier to rope in hordes of students than to market a non student or older sort of non student market, which is less predictable in the week. Its a proven fact that students dont get up in the mornings and they can stay out clubbing until 2am, whereas non students will probably be in employment and have to get up for work in the morning, and so are less likely to go clubbing in the week.


I dont agree with the STUDENT ONLY policy either, but if I was running a club I would be very aware of my break even figures and profit margins, and also have to target the most predictable element of the social structure.....students!

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