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U.S deploys "Killer Robot" in Iraq.

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The actions of a few idiots does not mean the whole of the army population is at fault, in the same way the actions of the insurgents does not mean all Iraqis are brutal murderers!


Would you also put these incidents down to the actions of a few idiots.


As many as 15,000 Iraqis were killed in the first days of America's invasion and occupation of Iraq, a study produced by an independent US think tank said yesterday. Up to 4,300 of the dead were civilian noncombatants



In last year's Haditha incident, US troops are accused of killing civilians after a bomb attack. An initial marine report on the incident said a roadside bomb on November 19 last year killed a lance corporal and 15 Iraqi civilians. But further investigation revealed that the civilians had been shot with marine weapons after the blast.



The Pentagon has estimated that it unloaded at least 320 metric tonnes of DU onto the battlefields in the 1991 Gulf War. A whistle-blowing US Special Operations Command Colonel claims the figure is closer to 500 metric tonnes – 100 of which was dropped on Baghdad. He also claims that the Pentagon has known for years of the detrimental effects of DU, yet continues to use it in warfare, putting at risk enemy countries, civilians and even their own troops.


DU/ Depleted Uranium

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God, more anti-American clap trap!


The US and UK troops try their utmost to limit causalities, but when your enemy place themselves in among the very population you are trying to protect its very hard, no near on impossible to prevent civilian casualties. The fact is the majority of people killed in Iraq are killed by their own people not the (UK and US) troops.


Tarring all troops with descriptions such as "indiscriminate shooting of civilians" plays right into the insurgents hands. They want you to think this. They put themselves in to homes and places where the civilian population is dense so if they are attacked lots of innocent people will be killed, creating anger and resentment against the troops. This has been used to great effect in places like Palestine. Why don’t these militant groups stay out of the populated areas they are supposed to be fighting for, like in the movies? Because they use the population as human shields!


Oh and the rape charge thing. Well they where found guilty and have been handed sentences over 100 years a piece. So life, Justice has been served, al-be-it US justice. The atrocities carried out by insurgents is much MUCH worse!


The actions of a few idiots does not mean the whole of the army population is at fault, in the same way the actions of the insurgents does not mean all Iraqis are brutal murderers!

The voice of reason at last. You'll be drummed out of the forum for this. The Ned Lunns of this world will destroy it much quicker than America.
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As many as 15,000 Iraqis were killed in the first days of America's invasion and occupation of Iraq.


http://www.iraqbodycount.org would disagree and seeing they are in the business of exposing the true horror and numbers dead I would take their findings are even too high. IBC state around 7,500 civilians died in the invasion phase in the war in Iraq (which lasted a little over 1 and a half months) not your 15,000 which you claim died " in the first days of America's invasion". By the way, the invasion force was made up of United States, United Kingdom, Poland and Australia troops. It wasn’t just America.


In last year's Haditha incident, US troops are accused of killing civilians after a bomb attack. An initial marine report on the incident said a roadside bomb on November 19 last year killed a lance corporal and 15 Iraqi civilians. But further investigation revealed that the civilians had been shot with marine weapons after the blast.


Like I said a few idiots, how many troops are of have been in the Iraq? Not to mention the atrocities being carried out on almost an hourly rate by Iraqis.


The Pentagon has estimated that it unloaded at least 320 metric tonnes of DU onto the battlefields in the 1991 Gulf War. A whistle-blowing US Special Operations Command Colonel claims the figure is closer to 500 metric tonnes – 100 of which was dropped on Baghdad. He also claims that the Pentagon has known for years of the detrimental effects of DU, yet continues to use it in warfare, putting at risk enemy countries, civilians and even their own troops.


DU/ Depleted Uranium


So one guy blows the whistle and has unproven or unsupported information. Then just because it bashes the yanks you swallow it hook line and sinker.


Did you know “gullible” is written on your ceiling?

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If ever one had the choice to die from a depleted uranium weapon or from a nearby lunatic wearing a suicide belt expecting 72 Vestal Virgins waiting to greet him/her in their fantasy world...... then I'd choose a well-placed DU weapon everytime, rather than being contaminated by the body fluids of a religious maniac, thank you. :mad:

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If ever one had the choice to die from a depleted uranium weapon or from a nearby lunatic wearing a suicide belt expecting 72 Vestal Virgins waiting to greet him/her in their fantasy world...... then I'd choose a well-placed DU weapon everytime, rather than being contaminated by the body fluids of a religious maniac, thank you. :mad:



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