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U.S deploys "Killer Robot" in Iraq.

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Better warn our lads to keep their heads down you know what Americans are like with their war toys.


Our lads haven't much to worry about from the Yanks where Basra is concerned.


They are bunkered down in their Basra Airfield Base taking the mortars from the enemy which cause daily attricition on their health and well-being whilst the UK Troops suppying them are also suffering gross casualties!


Blair and Brown should be severely brought to account for perpetuating this war crime on our troops who are nothing less than cannon fodder now.


Bring our troops out now! Or send your own kids in Blair &Bush!

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The robots the US will be using in your original post are guided by human. The competition that I referred to was for autonomous robots (as near as) - send them into the battlefield and they wipe out the bad guys whilst you have afternoon tea :)

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