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Gay Pride in Sheffield?

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I could be wrong but is a fine 'modern' city such as Sheffield not due a pride event of some sort?


If I am totally mistaken and have been living under a rock and missed a huge parade, somebody please correct me, but so far the summer events on the scene seem to be confined to themed nights at Fuel and the odd barbeque. Even Huddersfield has the Pink Picnic, and Doncaster is having a pride this summer too I believe. Come on, they're making us look bad!


If there are people out there who agree with this sentiment, please reply, and why not get a committee together? It wont happen unless someone makes the first move.

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Can't see the point myself.


I'm not a homophobe, far from it, i believe in equality for all and as long as its within the law and doesn't hurt anyone then do what you want.

But why parade through a city centre?

People who do this need to get over themselves - no one gives a toss about their sexuality.

Surely thats their personal business not everyones?

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The nearest we get currently is Viva Climax which is an all day event every year at the Student's Union.


There were plans for a Sheffield Pride at one stage but as far as I know nothing much has come of it. A couple of forummers were involved (Tyranna and possibly AgentLesbos) I think and may know more about it.

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Hi 367 .... How do you mean concentrate on the scene first? This is maybe why I don't get this sort of thing, as I'm not a sceney girl, me and my fiance spend most nights in watching murder mysteries so it's no surprise I'm not up on these things!


However I still think something, even if small, is do-able. Look at York! A couple of years ago they had the last gay pub taken over and turned into a rock pub (which I can vouch for was no longer friendly to the gays) This summer they had a pride thingy in the Park. Why the hell not! Am I just blindly optimistic?

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I mean (and will probably get slated on here for saying this) but in other cities such as Le*ds and Manchester it's almost fashionable to come out. This is because they have a scene to be proud of. Some very good fashionable bars and club such as Fibre, Mission, Queer Essentials and the recently opened Religion Nightclub/Bar which i must say has been done very well!


I think the more us gay people have to shout about the more will come out and be there on the day.


Hope that makes sense x

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Am I just blindly optimistic?


I think you must be. It has been tried and tested but there's never enough support from the coucil/police and even the LGBT community themsleves. I'm not talking from experience just what i have heard from vaious people i have talked to.


As Meaks says the closest we have is the all day event at Climax but this isn't what Pride is all about (drinking and pulling is just one part of it).


I'd love to be part of and help organise such an event but would defo need a lot of support.

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