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Gay Pride in Sheffield?

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No don't be stupid. Why would anyone do that? Well like i say can you expand on your previous comment?


There is a program on ITV about bouncers, and last week it focused on Manchester Gay Pride event and that is exactly what they were doing.

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It's a FACT that homophobia is still rife in this country, hense the reason we have separate 'gay' bars and 'gay' hotels.


Gay people don't feel safe on the whole and there's a very good reason for that.


And I'm not playing anything, merely stating a fact.

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It's a FACT that homophobia is still rife in this country, hense the reason we have separate 'gay' bars and 'gay' hotels.


Gay people don't feel safe on the whole and there's a very good reason for that.


And I'm not playing anything, merely stating a fact.


segregation is not the answer if you wish to be excepted http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=XTDu3NbTBjM&mode=related&search=






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Do you really think so?


I'm interested to know why, through fear of trouble or as someone said earlier, there isn't a scene to be proud of? It seems to me there is a disctinct lack of unity in Sheffields scene, what I have seen of it. Ok we don't have many bars and they're not ideally together like those of Leeds and Manc, but is it not the people that matter in a community? Is everyone who's gay in Sheffield really that fed up?

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I was just wondering if any gay sheffielders out there were interested in putting together some kind of gay pride event for next year as we don't seem to have had one before. It seems odd as other smaller places have, such as Donny this year. Which I am now told would have been in Sheff but was moved for lack of support. Why?

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I was just wondering if any gay sheffielders out there were interested in putting together some kind of gay pride event for next year as we don't seem to have had one before. It seems odd as other smaller places have, such as Donny this year. Which I am now told would have been in Sheff but was moved for lack of support. Why?


The nearest we are gonna get to anything remotely gay event is Viva Climax, but they just do the same thing every eyar, needs spicing up a bit.


As for support for a gay pride would mean the co-operation of all the gay venues, and I can see that will never happen, unfortunately. :(


Look what happened to Homo-Mad week.

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