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Gay Pride in Sheffield?

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Right situation.


Sheffield hosts a Love Parade where LGBT members, hetrosexual people, refugees/immigrants, ethnic minorities all celebrate life together and have a massive party to show our love for one another.


Do you really think it would work? I'm not convince we are ready for it yet and lots of trouble would kick off. 'well he felt me arse' and 'she's getting £200 a week and shouldn't even be in this country' attitude will start. I've heard it all before.


I don't know what's going on and why people are trying to spoil anyone else's fun. It's a free country at the end of the day and how i spend my private life is my business but once in a while all i'd like to do is feel like i am a person accepted in society for who i am and not an ideal.

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I work for Sheffield Hallam University, i could try and badger a few people here to see if they could help in any way, i'd love them to turn around and say they'd sponsor it but i doubt it will happen.


We should have an early pride like may or something when the students are still here.

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How cool is that!


Maybe we should start by creating a little focus group here like they do in other organisations and see what comes of that? We could gaged interested through eview and see the ideas. You know collectively we would have more power on things.


I've always wondered why Sheffield Hallam doesn;t have anything really for it's LGBT staff.

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Some of the posts on this thread are just plain stupid and ignorant, be ashamed people, be ashamed.


The point of a gay pride event is make a clear statement to homophobes and people who post crap on here that we are proud to be who we are, to love who we love and that we expect the same rights, repsect and protection in law as everyone else. Oh, and that we also have a sense oh humour and know how to party.


Hetrosexuality is celebrated every day, in every newspaper, magazine, TV/radio show, corner shop, hospital corridor, male/female couple holding hands on Fargate, straight couples having a cuddle in the park on a summers day. Is it really such a big matter if for one day in the year, we as a gay community stand up and say we are proud to be who we are. Many, many straight love the gay parades in Manchester and London.


Count me in for any event.


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Well there used to be an LGBT society which I think has been scrapped now. It's really annoying as I ran for women's officer years ago and the girl who did get in was slightly uninformed about these things and I think it was left to the wayside. Needless to say we no longer have a women's officer either!

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Well there used to be an LGBT society which I think has been scrapped now. It's really annoying as I ran for women's officer years ago and the girl who did get in was slightly uninformed about these things and I think it was left to the wayside. Needless to say we no longer have a women's officer either!


I don't understand why though. I mean the university should be pushing this sort of thing especially when attracting perspective students!

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I agree, perhaps this is something we should look at getting off the ground? They sometimes have ambassadors or reps in big organisations who can serve as a point of contact for people experiencing probs in the workplace. I don't know if the union rep covers this area. It would be a start for the students to have something though. And a gay night at HUBS???

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