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Gay Pride in Sheffield?

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Never seen so many gay threads started at the same time.


.......... and here is me thinking homophobia was a thing of the 70`s, obvioulsy isn`t.



Quite right, it is alive and thriving. I was sitting in a pub garden in town with a crowd of gays and straights and a couple of asian guys.


A couple who were actually quite drunk, not that this is an excuse, walked past us and very loudly shouted, "this pub is crap, always full of queers and pakis". What I want to know is if I had remarked loudly that they were both filthy dirty, blind drunk and lacking in any formal education which was blatantly apparent, would that be classed as being prejudiced. I am gay, and I would never dream of treating anyone with less respect than I would expect to receive myself.


While ever there are people like this about, we really have still got a struggle on our hands.:mad::mad::(

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PC rules say I cannot be homophobic and I'm not, but Im just not comfortable with gay men/women. Is this a crime?


I'm not comfortable with people judging others on something that doesn't affect them - but I practice a little tolerance and understanding - maybe try it sometime.

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I can be and am tolerant, just dont feel comfortable with gay people. It does affect me, I pay all my taxes in full, therefore any money you get from the council to assist you in staging your parade/fete etc is partly my money.

i just dont know why we have to have gay prides, your gay your proud whupty whoo.


Under privliged children who have less in life than the average person should be the subject of a march not a lot of gay people who have every advantage as straight folk.


Shoot me down by all means, it is a free world after all.


I have no intention of shooting you down but, you know, they may not feel comfortable being near you. These things do tend to work both ways.

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The Manchester one was also a success:




The Big Weekend, with its centrepiece carnival parade, drew thousands of visitors into the city centre to watch the fun, frills and frolics.


A shame that Sheffield doesn't seem to want to encourage tourism.


My straight friend went with his wife and kids - had a brilliant time. Said it made him proud to be British.

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Shoot me down by all means, it is a free world after all.


Why would I do that? We're all entitled to our opinion. Just because I disagree with you it doesn't mean that I'm right and you're wrong - or vice versa.


What I would say is that I tend to enjoy being around people who are nice - sexuality doesn't really come into it. Frankly I don't really care what they do with their private bits and I'm comfortable enough with my own sexuality to not feel threatened by anyone elses.

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I have no intention of shooting you down but, you know, they may not feel comfartable being near you. These things do tend to work both ways.


thats fine, I dont like the company of gay people and they dont like mine, but it doesn't disguise the fact that we should spend money on the underprivilaged and other disadvantaged groups in society, not gay prides.

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The gay couple who live on my block o flats are really nice people and I always say hello to them, but Im not bothered about their company. The two gay lads who work behind the bar in my local - great lads, have a beer or two with them. The gay guy who said he fancied me - Its nice to be wanted!!! I have nothing against gay people just dont feel comfortable around them.


But these people are not at a disadvantage in life - money should be spent on the physically or mentally disabled or those kids who have never seen the sea. Why do you need a march to prove you have the same rights as a straight person, you do. Do something noble and spend the money on an elderly person who cant afford too heat their home properly and not on a march.

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