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Gay Pride in Sheffield?

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thats fine, I dont like the company of gay people and they dont like mine, but it doesn't disguise the fact that we should spend money on the underprivilaged and other disadvantaged groups in society, not gay prides.


I can see your point, im comfortable being around gay people and am very tolerant of other peoples lifestyles. But I agree, the money could be better spent on other things, gay people have the same rights as anybody else so why have a march to celebrate or publicise their sexuality? Spending it on the homeless for example would be much more dignified

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Ok I am at work so please excuse me if I repeat something that has been said, I haven't been able to look all through properly.


I like some people used to think that Gay Pride was a bit of a joke and something you'd never get me doing... I am not a gay that wants to wave his flag from the roof tops... HOWEVER I am honest enough to say that was a stupid thing to think. Saturday in Manchester was my first ever pride... and I couldn't believe just how great it was... and do you know what made it great? The fact that to one side of me was a straight family with there two young kids and to the other side were an old grandma and grandad... people that wern't even gay who were able to come out and see what was going on and ACCEPT the people of their communities. And how great a thing is it to see families encouraging there kids to be more accepting and appreciative of the differences we have in society...


So for me thats what a gay pride is for... its for opening some eyes and making people think about change and getting us all to a place and a day where we can all be seen as normal and shake off this difference image. Gay pride is something hugely important and I for one will be draggin my mum to one next year as I think it is an eye opener... and it was even one for me.


Slate it all if you want, but there is a valid place for a pride event and Sheffield should have one.



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thats fine, I dont like the company of gay people and they dont like mine, but it doesn't disguise the fact that we should spend money on the underprivilaged and other disadvantaged groups in society, not gay prides.


Sheffield City Council will have a yearly budget for giving grants to local organisations, clubs, events etc. It may give money to a football club, a dramatic society, a childrens nursery, disadvantaged groups, a gay pride event, or a registered charity etc. The finance people will have allocated X number of pounds to do this during the current financial year, as they will for future financial years. At sometime in its existence, most every law abiding bona fide group who has applied, will have had or will get, some financial assistance from the council. I have belonged to groups who have had such assistance.


When I saw The Rocky Horror Show, I was amazed at the number of men who arrived in basques, fishnet tights and high heels. I suppose some were straight and some were gay. It didn't matter - they all mixed in. I am too old and fat to drag up, but I had to admire the guts of those who did, as some of them walked through the city centre in their 'finery'. I couldn't care less what people are. I look for a good character and 'niceness' in people. If I don't like what I find, I keep quiet and find an excuse to move on.

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Sheffield City Council will have a yearly budget for giving grants to local organisations, clubs, events etc. It may give money to a football club, a dramatic society, a childrens nursery, disadvantaged groups, a gay pride event, or a registered charity etc. The finance people will have allocated X number of pounds to do this during the current financial year, as they will for future financial years. At sometime in its existence, most every law abiding bona fide group who has applied, will have had or will get, some financial assistance from the council. I have belonged to groups who have had such assistance.


When I saw The Rocky Horror show, I was amazed at the number of men who arrived in basques, fishnet tights and high heels. I suppose some were straight and some were gay. It didn't matter - they all mixed in. I am too old and fat to drag up, but I had to admire the guts of those who did, as some of them walked through the city centre in their 'finery'. I couldn't care less what people are. I look for a good character and 'niceness' in people. If I don't like what I find, I keep quiet and find an excuse to move on'.


Well I'd hope that while all can apply, a football club, a dramatic society, a childrens nursery, disadvantaged groups or a registered charity would take priority over a fancy dress ****-up for gays. From my experience pretty much all the gay people I've met are nice people and would share this view of priorities.

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Well I'd hope that while all can apply, a football club, a dramatic society, a childrens nursery, disadvantaged groups or a registered charity would take priority over a fancy dress ****-up for gays. From my experience pretty much all the gay people I've met are nice people and would share this view of priorities.


Hi Andrew. I wouldn't list these groups in a priority listing. That's not what I meant. The finance people/committee will most likely meet and have a number of applications set before them at that meeting. All law abiding sections of the community have to be given equal consideration and treatment by the council, otherwise it would be accused of favouritism. The present council did not get my vote , incidentally - I am not flying its flag. I have looked at all the postings within this thread, and can not see one which states the council would foot the bill for gay pride, or be asked to. I have never experienced a parade or event of any kind other than the Rag Days and the old Sheffield Shows, but I think whether one was staged by a marching band, gay pride, or any other group - and it caused people to be happy for a few hours, then it has to be a good thing. I remember years ago how popular the Rag Day Parades were - six foot fairies with beards too. All taken in good fun.

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As someone who used to live in Sheffield, I think a Gay Pride event would be excellent for the city. I have attended London, Brighton and Manchester Pride with my wife to be.


Pride events are there to not only boost the morale of the LGBT community but the hetero community too. Pride is about celebrating being able to be openly gay and being able to have rights as a gay person. For many centauries gay people have had to hide how they feel in public. However, thanks the changing views of society and government we are able to leave as we choose to live, not how others dictate!

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Oh and to all those wingeing on about council funding, get a grip!


Brighton Pride is funded by fund raising by general public - ie dog shows or sponsored wax session down the gay pubs and clubs. They also get local businesses to sponsor a float. Brighton does not charge people to go and watch parades or go to the Park where they have loads of fun things to do and see.

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