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Gay Pride in Sheffield?

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Being gay myself there are certainly plenty of these types around on the scene (attention grabbers that are into being gay just to be different) but plenty more that aren't.


yep there the ones I'm on about not nick but the protenious one that said he wasn't a proper gay just grabbed me as a silly statement

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This smacks of the bitchiness and division that you were mentioning on this thread:


Not bitchiness, just an obsevation of the difference between the two scenes where in Manchester you come across more people who are comfortable with themselves and their sexuality and therefore don't feel the need to be different but are simply just being themselves (which may be different) and those in Sheffield who seem more unsure about themselves and you therefore see them latching on to the latest fad or trend to give them some 'street cred'.

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I could be wrong but is a fine 'modern' city such as Sheffield not due a pride event of some sort?


If I am totally mistaken and have been living under a rock and missed a huge parade, somebody please correct me, but so far the summer events on the scene seem to be confined to themed nights at Fuel and the odd barbeque. Even Huddersfield has the Pink Picnic, and Doncaster is having a pride this summer too I believe. Come on, they're making us look bad!


If there are people out there who agree with this sentiment, please reply, and why not get a committee together? It wont happen unless someone makes the first move.


what good would a gay pride do for sheffield when lets face it theres no gay pubs left in sheffield only so called clubs /bars that rip u off

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is there a need for this event? i find it quite ammusing the attitude of some gays to be honest. there are gay bars and club nights, not loads but there isnt a need for loads. you have lots of gay friendly straight places.


why the need to shout from the roof top about being gay? so what if some people dont accept you, full acceptance is never possible. you have to get over the fact that a few people will be disgusted by the fact that 2 men together is wrong, shrug your shoulders and forget about it!


so what if some drunk idiot shouts queer now and then, think of how many times fat people will hear people snigger and whisper porky under their breath..


how on earth can the gay community whinge about oppresion and discrimination when it is actually illegal. who passed those laws? straight people.


instead of whinging and complaining so much why not be thankful for the country we live in and if some idiot wants to be abusive think of yourself as bigger than them and hold your head high!


so i come back to is there a need for this event? as a gay pride event, which is purely for gay pride no matter what you try and say, i would argue no. why not stop trying to make yourself out to be different and instead hold a mardi gras which would actually encourage more straight people to dress up and get involved. it doesnt have to be called a gay pride event and i have to admit to finding the need for one confusing.

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is there a need for this event? i find it quite ammusing the attitude of some gays to be honest. there are gay bars and club nights, not loads but there isnt a need for loads. you have lots of gay friendly straight places.


why the need to shout from the roof top about being gay? so what if some people dont accept you, full acceptance is never possible. you have to get over the fact that a few people will be disgusted by the fact that 2 men together is wrong, shrug your shoulders and forget about it!


so what if some drunk idiot shouts queer now and then, think of how many times fat people will hear people snigger and whisper porky under their breath..


how on earth can the gay community whinge about oppresion and discrimination when it is actually illegal. who passed those laws? straight people.


instead of whinging and complaining so much why not be thankful for the country we live in and if some idiot wants to be abusive think of yourself as bigger than them and hold your head high!


so i come back to is there a need for this event? as a gay pride event, which is purely for gay pride no matter what you try and say, i would argue no. why not stop trying to make yourself out to be different and instead hold a mardi gras which would actually encourage more straight people to dress up and get involved. it doesnt have to be called a gay pride event and i have to admit to finding the need for one confusing.


your just been silly grow up

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is there a need for this event? i find it quite ammusing the attitude of some gays to be honest. there are gay bars and club nights, not loads but there isnt a need for loads. you have lots of gay friendly straight places.

why the need to shout from the roof top about being gay? so what if some people dont accept you, full acceptance is never possible. you have to get over the fact that a few people will be disgusted by the fact that 2 men together is wrong, shrug your shoulders and forget about it!


so what if some drunk idiot shouts queer now and then, think of how many times fat people will hear people snigger and whisper porky under their breath..


how on earth can the gay community whinge about oppresion and discrimination when it is actually illegal. who passed those laws? straight people.


instead of whinging and complaining so much why not be thankful for the country we live in[B] and if some idiot wants to be abusive[/b] think of yourself as bigger than them and hold your head high!


so i come back to is there a need for this event? as a gay pride event, which is purely for gay pride no matter what you try and say, i would argue no. why not stop trying to make yourself out to be different and instead hold a mardi gras which would actually encourage more straight people to dress up and get involved. it doesnt have to be called a gay pride event and i have to admit to finding the need for one confusing.







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whats the purpose of those links? for starters they are from the times and daily mail, not the most liberal of publications..


the first link is common sense, its tightening the law regarding discriminating against someone because of their sexuality, something the gay community should surely applaud?? how can the gay community complain about not being able to bar straights when they would be the first to cause uproar if a "straight bar" refused entry to a gay man because of his sexuality? anyone causing trouble can be removed an barred. besides, i have been to fuel, dempseys and climax and im straight but didnt have trouble getting in.

this is just making an issue when there isnt one.

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whats the purpose of those links? for starters they are from the times and daily mail, not the most liberal of publications..


the first link is common sense, its tightening the law regarding discriminating against someone because of their sexuality, something the gay community should surely applaud?? how can the gay community complain about not being able to bar straights when they would be the first to cause uproar if a "straight bar" refused entry to a gay man because of his sexuality? anyone causing trouble can be removed an barred. besides, i have been to fuel, dempseys and climax and im straight.

this is just making an issue when there isnt one.


i agree 100% i was highlighting the facts

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