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Gay Pride in Sheffield?

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re- trolling bigots.


Thank you for demonstrating that you clearly know who you are!! lol. I am just puzzled at why some forummers who clearly dont like gay people or the idea of a gay event persistetly check a topic like this and keep on trolling. There doesnt seem to be much debate, just a load of nonsense.


Holding any kind of community event can lift the spirits of local people, plus pride events are an important way of shwoing that gay people exist, and are just as varied and weird/ normal as any other cross section of people.





But people know gay people exsist, so why the need for a silly booze up?


The only people who believe gay people are singled out are gay people themselves.


Some people will poke fun, but then I poke fun at Bald Men (hair one head I'm refering to)

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How about a straight pride?


Very similar to my my bugbear about "ladies only" events. If there was a men only event there would be uproar just as there would about a straight event.


Just reminded myself of the muslim only day at Alton Towers - that was the one to beat everything - luckily it was cancelled but what a stupid idea.

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your one of those gays that are like Goths that want to be different but want to stand out as being really different when theres millions of you and no need to promote it :roll:


Not at all, im one of those hetros just dabbling in a gay thread

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bus driver- you are right that its not all doom and gloom for 'the gays', things are moving on, both in terms of attitudes and the law. But ghay people do face real discrimination, sometimes stuff goes well beyond poking fun, my other half was chased through a residential area by a group of 6 lads who were shouting that they wanted to kick his f-ing head in, and gay b------d, etc, and he isnt particularly 'flamboyant' or attention-drawing really. These sorts of gay events are just a way of trying to make things open and help people feel less uncomfortable, about either their own or other people's sexuality.


Some people, gay and straight, have lots of different views about how political (small p) the gay community should be. After all, the changes in the laws in the last 10 years wouldnt have come about without gay people and their supporters helping decision makers understand where there were problems and how to fix them.


I think it's a shame for people who say they feel uncomfortable around gay people, because no-one should feel threatened/ uncomfortable/ ill at ease about stuff- it isnt a nice feeling. Hopefully being able to have these kinds of conversations helps everyone realise that some gay people are sound, some are twerps, just like any cros section of people. No need to feel uncomfortable. It's not like just cos someone's gay they are gonna try and make a move on you! I dont like to think about what my parents do in bed- so i dont think about it!! Problem solved.


What my earlier post was driving at was that i think it's unusual for people to be so interested in these issues, that they keep coming on a forum and banging on about it. At first i felt threatened by that but having read on I think it's better for people to talk things through, than bottle them up and not 'deal' with it. Until you talk to people and get to grips wityh where they're coming from, you cant understansd them and that works both ways.


So i take it all back,. sorry.


But please let those who want to have this event discuss it, rather than hogging the thread with the same old 'gay vs not gay' debates!


To pride people- any bands sorted yet?

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