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Dore and Totley High School


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Does anyone remember Dore and Totley High School - now a dance school I believe? I went there in the late 1950's and

1960's..I would love to contact any "old girls".

I live in London now, but hope to "return to my roots" in the next two or three weeks....

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Hello Aries,

How lovely to get your reply! I was 10 years in 1958 so we probably don't know each other. My name is Katherine Russell. I was great friends with someone called Margaret Simkins. Does that "ring a bell"?

I remember, in spite of the place being a complete throw back to the Victorian age, being very happy there.

I think the place closed down in suspicious circumstances, like poor old Miss Trott going bankrupt!



Bye for now



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I think I am about 5 years older than you so I would be leaving as you started. My class form teacher was Mrs Scott. the other names I remember are Mrs Mann singing. Miss Rodgers History Mrs Turnbull Science Can't remember his name but the local vicar taught Re I am not sure about Miss trott going bust, as just after leaving went on holiday to Bournemouth and went to see where she lived, the grounds where so large you could not even see the house. Hated School but the girls there were lovely many happy memories. My name was Barbara Memmott and was in York House. I think some of the people in my class may have been in the sixthform in your day.Can you remember any names?

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Hi there,

Well your memory must be a lot better than mine because I don't remember any names except Margaret Simkins. Seem to remember a Barbara who was quite small and blonde. Remember having a party at my parents house and she broke a bed, jumping up and down on it. Funny the things you do remember!

Do remember Miss Rodgers the history teacher, probably because I loved history. Remember the poor woman having some sort of shaking disability! Do remember the vicar. He also taught Latin. He hated me because I disrupted his lessons. He always called me by my second name!

I too had a long photo of the school with Miss Trott - long lost now....


Well have to go now, but do hope to talk to you again...




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  • 1 year later...

Hi I also went to Dore & Totley from 1956 for 2 years. I remember some of the teachers mentioned and the Carter Twins, Christine Redmile, Winifred Thorpe were in my class. Spent the rest of my very happy schooldays at the wonderful Beauchief Independant Grammar School.

Christine (Perrett)

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Does anyone remember Dore and Totley High School - now a dance school I believe? I went there in the late 1950's and

1960's..I would love to contact any "old girls".

I live in London now, but hope to "return to my roots" in the next two or three weeks....


The next time I pop down that way, I'll take a few photographs and post them as a link for you on this thread. I believe that the School and Dance School are now all gone.


If you would like to make contact with any former pupils who lived locally please visit the relevant web sites of the Totley Independent and Dore to DOOR. I'm certain the editors, who's contact details are on the web sites, would be pleased to receive a letter from you with your request. Let us on the forum know how get on.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I see this thread is over a year old but I've only just seen it and wonder if anyone will still pick up on it.


I was at Dore as a weekly boarder for a couple of years from about 1953/4. I remember Mrs Scott and Mrs Mann - she used to sing with a great aunt of mine. I was on a bus in Sheffield about 3 years ago when I had a conversation with another lady. It seems that when the school closed Miss Trott sold the land and bungalows were built there...this lady lived in one of those bungalows. Miss Trott was still alive and lived on the South coast but she still kept hold of the reigns on the land...they can't remove a tree, put up a shed, etc without her permission. I was at school with Elizabeth Benson and Susan Barlow, also remember some other names. I then moved to a boarding school in Somerset. I really enjoyed Dore, there were only 4 boarders when I started there.


I think I am about 5 years older than you so I would be leaving as you started. My class form teacher was Mrs Scott. the other names I remember are Mrs Mann singing. Miss Rodgers History Mrs Turnbull Science Can't remember his name but the local vicar taught Re I am not sure about Miss trott going bust, as just after leaving went on holiday to Bournemouth and went to see where she lived, the grounds where so large you could not even see the house. Hated School but the girls there were lovely many happy memories. My name was Barbara Memmott and was in York House. I think some of the people in my class may have been in the sixthform in your day.Can you remember any names?
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  • 5 months later...

I would love to meet up with those I was at school with, albeit a very short time. I really enjoyed myself. I should put my family history research to good use and see where they are now and who they married.

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