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Guess im an EX PAT now

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Live up in the orkneys, not reccomended for pale skinned people !!! you will burn on the good week and freeze for the other fifty one... mom why make me a ginner ???? anyone else on here from up in the cold wet place they call scotland ??? The good people of Sheffield cant have abandoned me to this god forsaken place on my own :hihi: Anyone want to do a job swap for a few weeks ?? supply your own wet weather gear !!!!! It gets dark before you get cold from the sodding rain up here !!! The moneys great though !!! :hihi: and its great revisiting Sheffield For holidays to see old mates ...and get some Wards down the neck even though you sold out an you can only get it in bottles now !!! sorry its been a long night fixing stuff.... hiya sheffield folks .... love to hear from you now and again :):)

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Well Rom,

I may have mentioned before...I'm ex Sheffield, now living in Argyll, and while the rest of the uk bathed in sunshine the last two days, we've had nowt but rain!!

Sorry dont get on much whitehorses, due to being offshore for most of the sodding time or on a boat, makes me smile when they moan about a bit of rain, even though i shouldnt because peoples livelihoods are at stake, once you have got through the first year of scottish rain it makes you a little impervious(sorry for the pun) to the wet stuff... last year we had 27 days when it rained mostly non stop on the islands.... now that was a laugh....:D
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Yes Rom, it's amazing how you used to say 'It rained for days' and you actually meant it rained for a couple of hours each day.Now in Scotland, when it rains, it definetely rains.In Argyll in Jan/Feb I think it was, we had 29 days of rain, in fact the swans were swimming down the pavements and into the pubs! Oh well, looking on the bright side...we don't have droughts and hosepipe bans like we did in Yorkshire!

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