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Straight men - have you ever had a gay experience?

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I'm not 'denying' anything Jonny - I had a couple of liasons with blokes, which I quite enjoyed in my late teens/early twenties. Since then (and indeed before then) I've enjoyed relationships with women, hence my regarding myself as a heterosexual. If you want to put labels on people, then I guess your 'bi permissive' might come somewhere close, but as I said earlier, does a bacon sandwich eaten twenty years ago make a vegetarian a carnivore (or carnivore permissive). And does it really matter a great deal to anybody anyway?


I couldn't care less about anyones sexuality, but then I'm not the one starting a thread about it. Although I do find it highly amusing that one written in such a condescending tone such as yours has come back to bite you on the backside.

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What is making me laugh is all these people who are going :gag:


The gay men of Sheffield Forum must be killing themselves laughing.


Gay men probably do a lot less than most straight couples do, it just so happens to be with another man.


I don't really care what someone has done in the sack and who with if they are not doing it with me! That goes for straight, bi or homosexual couples!


Which is, err, exactly what we've been saying, so why is it making you laugh?

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Which is, err, exactly what we've been saying, so why is it making you laugh?


Ok. I knew a bloke who was very anti gay. He went on and on about 'deviant' gay sexual practises. :roll:


Then I contemplated dating him (please don't judge me for dating homophobics, it didn't work out in the end!) and the things we discussed 'doing' :o - let's just say, if i had, i wouldn't have left much on the purity test!

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I have a male friend who had a one-off sexual encounter with a man many moons ago, but he is straight. I also have a female friend who, on the rebound from a broken engagement, obtained solace from her lesbian friend and this developed into a brief relationship. But she too is straight (and now happily married). People also experiment as they discover their sexual identity.


I also have gay friends who have had relationships with women, but now define their sexuality as gay.


Discovering your sexuality can for some people be a long journey, often accompanied with doubt, confusion, denial, guilt and even self-loathing.


The reasoning of StarSparkle, et al - that if you have had a sexual encounter with both genders means you must be bisexual - is faulty logic. I am gay, and I take offence at someone else deciding to label me as bisexual just because in my past I have had sexual experiences with the opposite sex.


Please note, I define my sexuality, not someone else - and, I feel sure, that applies to Halibut as much as anyone else.


Yes, I agree. In my opinion, sexuality is a process - ongoing and ever-changing and growing. There is a difference between sexuality and the labels anyone may wish to attach to it, including oneself. It doesn't really matter what people label themselves as, at the end of the day when love happens, love happens regardless of sex, gender, or sexuality, or anything else for that matter, such as preferences or ideals!

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Was once "hit" on by an asian bloke at a bus stop just because i was wearing a suit and a white t.shirt,the perv asked me if i wanted to "go somewhere quiet"......told him to **** off or would rip his face off.Aint got nothin against gays but if i was stood next to a good lookin lass at a bus stop i wouldnt ask her to "go somewhere quiet"..........aint worn the suit since!!!

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