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Straight men - have you ever had a gay experience?

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Call me naive, but I don't think that Halibuts 'experience' was for a display for luring in the opposite sex..:o


If, for want of a better of a better phrase, you can be turned on by the same sex (for example, do thoughts of the same sex enter your mind when you are having *ahem* a little me-time?), then you are likely bi-sexual. If you pursue these impulses, then its a done deal.


What baffles me is why such a self confessed 'open minded' thinker such as Halibut would deny this to himself :hihi:


I'm not 'denying' anything Jonny - I had a couple of liasons with blokes, which I quite enjoyed in my late teens/early twenties. Since then (and indeed before then) I've enjoyed relationships with women, hence my regarding myself as a heterosexual. If you want to put labels on people, then I guess your 'bi permissive' might come somewhere close, but as I said earlier, does a bacon sandwich eaten twenty years ago make a vegetarian a carnivore (or carnivore permissive). And does it really matter a great deal to anybody anyway?

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Halibut, Blondie blue.


I'm all for try before you buy, but I can not at all understand how a TRUE straight person could possibly have feelings enough to try a gay experiment out. Surely true straight people wouldn't be able to get turned on. Personally I wouldn't be able to "experiment" my stomach would turn.

Don't get me wrong I have nothing against gay people at all, I'm just saying surely that makes a person Bi-sexual not straight.



No one is truly straight. And Meds is right about labels. I jumped out of a plane once, that doesn't make me a skydiver. I'm just me.

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What is making me laugh is all these people who are going :gag:


The gay men of Sheffield Forum must be killing themselves laughing.


Gay men probably do a lot less than most straight couples do, it just so happens to be with another man.


I don't really care what someone has done in the sack and who with if they are not doing it with me! That goes for straight, bi or homosexual couples!

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I'm not 'denying' anything Jonny - I had a couple of liasons with blokes, which I quite enjoyed in my late teens/early twenties. Since then (and indeed before then) I've enjoyed relationships with women, hence my regarding myself as a heterosexual. If you want to put labels on people, then I guess your 'bi permissive' might come somewhere close, but as I said earlier, does a bacon sandwich eaten twenty years ago make a vegetarian a carnivore (or carnivore permissive). And does it really matter a great deal to anybody anyway?


So what's the point of starting the thread?

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What is making me laugh is all these people who are going :gag:


The gay men of Sheffield Forum must be killing themselves laughing.


Gay men probably do a lot less than most straight couples do, it just so happens to be with another man.


I don't really care what someone has done in the sack and who with if they are not doing it with me! That goes for straight, bi or homosexual couples!


Have you ever eaten a bacon sandwich? (just out of interest :hihi:)

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I have a male friend who had a one-off sexual encounter with a man many moons ago, but he is straight. I also have a female friend who, on the rebound from a broken engagement, obtained solace from her lesbian friend and this developed into a brief relationship. But she too is straight (and now happily married). People also experiment as they discover their sexual identity.


I also have gay friends who have had relationships with women, but now define their sexuality as gay.


Discovering your sexuality can for some people be a long journey, often accompanied with doubt, confusion, denial, guilt and even self-loathing.


The reasoning of StarSparkle, et al - that if you have had a sexual encounter with both genders means you must be bisexual - is faulty logic. I am gay, and I take offence at someone else deciding to label me as bisexual just because in my past I have had sexual experiences with the opposite sex.


Please note, I define my sexuality, not someone else - and, I feel sure, that applies to Halibut as much as anyone else.

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