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Old Wash Houses


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I was brought up down Attercliffe and remember having a tin bath which was hung in the yard.Sunday night was bath night in front of the fire in the kitchen watching London palladium on tv.Oldest child in first youngest last,the water would be cooler then.It used to take mum ages to fill the bath as we only had a geyser over the kitchen sink and she also has to boil pans of water on the stove.I used to sit picking the residue from the sides of the bath,I suppose it was a build up of scum really.

I also remember going to Oakes green wash house at the back of Attercliffe bright side way.We also used to take an old pram full of clothes.It was like a meeting house for all the mothers and very hard work for them.

I too used to go to the Newhall slipper baths ,when mum could afford it,it was a special treat,lots of hot steaming water coming out of the taps and before we went she used to buy crab claws from the local fishmongers and I used to sit in the bath picking at them with a grip......happy days!

I still appreciate hot water coming out of the taps now.

I also remember outside toilets across the yard,being frozen up in winter ,with a paraffin lamp in there and pieces of newspaper in squares on a nail for toilet paper....no I'm not kidding!

Remember going to the pavilion cinema Saturday matinee and buying frozen bottle of orange juice in a small glass milk bottle and it used to last me the whole film through as it was hard to lick out with your tongue.

It's funny how we take things for granted and when you're older you look back on the hard times with nostalgia because that's just how things were in those days,hard work but fun....aahhh happy days!

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  • 3 years later...



Were there Communal wash houses in Sheffield?


Me and Her That Should Be Obeyed have just watched the television version of 'The Steamie' on Scottish TV (free view play) (also available on Youtube).

Was there anything similar in Sheffield?


We did see the stage version many years ago but the TV version although itself  filmed some years ago and filmed as a comedy sure captures the whole community spirit (& drudgery) involved in the routine of wash day.

Set in 1950's Glasgow and filmed in a genuine wash house just shows how the advent of Washing machines and dryers available to the mass' changed things (for the better).


(It would be nice to think where they filmed it was still there) 


Enjoy a time long gone.

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