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Boots And Beer


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It's a simple formula - get kitted up for a winter walk (usually not as bad as you think, but be prepared) walk a few miles and drop into the pub for a well earned pint. OK I ripped off the title "Boots and Beer" from the Brasher website (http://www.brasher.co.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=livetowalk.detail&31&ContentID=110) but hey keep quiet and I'm sure they won't bother me. If you're reasonably fit and fancy joining me for a 7 mile circular walk from Grindleford on Sunday 28th Nov, reply here or PM me. Young or old, no problem, but please be sure you're fit, kitted out correctly and keen to have a chat (and a drink) with your fellow walkers.


The walk is taken from http://www.go4awalk.co.uk (good site - membership required) and is classed as grade 3 ("Gentle ascents and descents, 5 miles or more") on a scale from 1 to 9, although some may disagree that going up to Froggatt Edge from Grindleford is gentle.


Plan is to meet at Grindleford Station Cafe at 12.15, start walking at 12.30 and finish off at The Sir William pub/hotel somewhere around 4pm. There is a train back to Sheffield at 17.11 so we would need to be out the pub by 16.50 at the latest.


BTW, the real Boots and Beer Festival looks like a great weekend if they repeat this next year.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Excellent weather last time - keeping fingers crossed for this Saturday. Meeting at Shefield Station at 11.00am. Walk is a circular route from Hathersage - steady 10 miles in 5 hours (bring a packed lunch). Hope the beer at the end is as good as Olde Trippe in the Sir William at Grindleford. Plan then was to have a couple and get the 5 o clock train back. We ended up getting the 9 o'clock bus back. I love it when a plan falls apart like that ... Can anyone recommend a good pub in Hathersage?


PS have arranged a Boots and Beer weekend in June to coincide with the Keswick Beer Festival stopping over in a hostel (separate guys and gals bunkrooms). PM me if interested

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What's the pooch done to himself?


... possible next walk Mon 27th - gentle stroll in Wharnecliffe Woods?


(Hathersage walk was excellent why do we ever listen to forecasters, it wasn't just sunny, it was warm sun - we finished in the dark in t-shirts!)

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Ruptured disc and crushed spinal cord. Dunno how it was done, but operated on and is on the mend. Walks like he has two wooden back legs now. But he's getting better and is now a 'merry little hound' again, so we're just glad he's happy.


We're usually with family on the 27th, but if we're not, we may see you for a stroll.


PS have you added to my 'dog pubs/food' thread?

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Hi Strix,


'fraid I can't be of much help on the pub & food front - I'm only in Sheffield for 3 years and haven't built up enough local knowledge yet. I'm making a few contacts through the forum and my own website and walking, socialising and er drinking will definitely be a part of the agenda. Will be sure to let you know of any good recommendations I come across. Will give 27th a bit of thought and post any updates. Be good to meet you then or some other time.





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  • 3 weeks later...

I can see I haven't aroused much interest in my monthly walks on the forum, but these do happen! I also advertise in the Sheffield Telegraph and so far have 5 people who have said they will come along next time.


Next walk is Saturday 29th Jan from Strines (Manchester side near Marple) It is on the train line from Sheffield and it takes about 45 mins to get there.


The walk is taken from http://www.go4awalk.com and is 9 miles long and should take just over 4 hours to complete. So if you fancy getting your boots on, striding along the Midshires Way and popping into the pub for a couple of beers afterwards, just get in touch or go to http://www.spinac.com for more details.

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