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What pets do you share your house with?

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Originally posted by Funke88

We've got a ginger tom called Tommy. He's a huge ball of orange fluff. He's a typical boy-getting into trouble all the time. He's also like a dog:-he chases balls and frisbees and chews stuff in the house. He digs holes too just for the hell of it.

He's very dumb too. In-breeding!

He drinks water out of the toilet, climbs in the bathtub after I've had a shower and licks the bottom of the tub?? Why, when he has a bowl of perfectly good clean water? Tut! :roll:

So we have Tommy and our neighbours have his brother, which we call Jerry. They get up to a lot of mischief!


Oh I forgot, we have two 30 gallon saltwater aquariums with gobies, blennies and sailfin molly minnows. They mate too and we often have a tank full of weeny fish. The others eat them quickly. Mmmm dinner. We have a hermit crab and a live conch shell. It's fascinating to watch the sex life of a fish!!


Ever put 2 male siamese fighters in a tank together? Now THATS fascinating.


PS: im not cruel - i genuinely didnt know theyd do what they did (stupid really ocnsidering the name)

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