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Boxing classes?

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Originally posted by markichamp

Hi there, its a boxing class. Young and old and as competative as you like it to be. The double six club is on the junction of chesterfield road and woodseats road, the building that looks like an old church hall. Nice nu ring, and bags etc. Really friendly trainers.


Do you know the days/times/price?



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  • 3 weeks later...

Go to the source on Mondays,Wednesdays and Thursdays @ 7-830, Mark Hayes class,JKD/Kali/Escrima/Grappling/Boxing and kickboxing("does exactly what is says on the tin")


will not be able to get to the seminar on Sunday, but maybe next time, Mark Hayes maybe there though




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  • 2 months later...

hey nataliesheff


I go to a gym in town thats on wellington street (near my local boozer the devonshire cat) the one with the blue door not the one on the corner .


The teacher there is an Ex kickboxer i.e. someone who used to fight kickboxing and now teaches absolute novices (and fat unfit gits like me!!!, LOL) and also trains the better ,younger, fitter , tougher ones for the ring (if they want to fight that is)


they have 4 different nights a week 2 at the boxing gym and 2 at hallam uni (near good ol' eccy road)


their website is




tell em Fred sent ya

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