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What's The Worst Date You've Ever Been On?

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Years ago i went on a date with this gal....i picked her up and went for a drive out into Bradfield, had a meal at the plough pub, then drove back towards oughtibridge when i asked her if she wanted to call at the Middlewood tavern for a drink as it was KARAOKE night...she got excited about the idea and told me she was a great singer and had won karaoke contests on a regular basis...thinking this was a great way to guarantee winning the BEER prize she sang...NIGHTMARE!!!!....she sounded like a man with his gonads in a vice, things now became clear that the karaoke contests she won was for being the worst singer...BLESS HER!!....I expect to see her on the next series of the X FACTOR as they have just done the auditions in sheffield.

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I was working on a campaign with an older woman who told me abotu her son all day long and suggested we might like to meet.

According to proud Mumsy he was tall, dark haired, polite, a gentleman and into much of the same stuff as me.

We met outside a pub, both aiming for Dutch courage and he spent almost all the evening waiting for me to speak so he could agree, nod, or similar stuff. He was clearly entirely passive and boring as sin. If he was into the same stuff as me it was only because he gave that impression to everyone.

Mobile phones were not common place then so I couldn't be bailed out and spent the whole evening bored rigid before lying through my teeth about the last bus. He walked me to my stop and we mostly sat in silence and I got on the first bus which came, just to get away from him.

I had to get off again at the bottom of the Moor to get the right bus.

He asked me for my number at thebus stop and I might have made a 1 look more like a 7 accidently on purpose :blush:

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I had a blind date with this bloke from west yorkshire... This was a good 20 years ago, BTW.


He'd said his hair was "brown going a bit grey" ... It was "grey, going a bit brown"...


He said he was 35-40 age range.... Well, he must have had a hard paper round, cos he must have been 50 if he was a day!!


Ok, so, after that "wonderful" start...


His "scintillating topic of conversation" was:-


"I work at (name of city omitted to protect the guilty) Royal Infirmary, in A&E. you wouldn't believe the stuff we've extracted form folks' orifices!"...




Well, fortunately, I'd arranged with a mate to turn up at the pub, and see if I needed rescuing, and, by gosh, did I need rescuing!


She arrived not a moment too soon. I was out of there as if all the bats in hell were after me! lol


And, no, funny you should ask... There wasn't a second date.

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So many......


I secured a date with a guy I'd been admiring from a distance for months. I was so nervous I got a bit too drunk and fell over and snapped off half of one of my front teeth and chipped the other and made a mess of my face. I'm Irish and let me tell you the 'drunk, irish and broken teeth' look is not a good one-I looked like a stray member of the Pogues. We spent most of the rest of the night in casualty with me weeping and holding half a tooth. The young man was amazingly not deterred and asked me out the following week. While heading to meet him I spotted a tram in the distance and ran across a road to catch it and got run over by a car! So I ended up in hospital again.


Aww! A romance that was never meant to be... :P



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I went on a blind date with this guy. I had to stop by a friends house and he and a male friend of mine got talking. Next thing I know I'm ignored and they continue talking. Never really got the date. Later on I found they were writing letters to each other playing postal chess.

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I went to the cinema with someone but the cinema was full so i ended up driving him pub to pub where he got very drunk and after i had dropped him off he started sending me strange texts! Wasnt to bad as I he was well fit! ;) and thats the worst date but then again i havnt been on many!!!

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I went on the worse date ever, he was a Country and Western singer - not that there's anything wrong with that - just that he turned up looking like he should have been on a horse, I've never seen as many tassels on a single person!! ever!! He spoke like Jonny Bravo - he was from Chesterfield and was 15 years older than he said he was. The worse was yet to come, I ended up been locked in his recording studio (sound proof loft) while he insisted on singing me all these songs he'd wrote obviously changing the name of the lucky lady who'd broken his heart to mine! He also has his own website, if you want to look :-)

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I arranged a date with a girl who was originally from my home town (which isn’t a “frontline” sort of place in terms of the troubles) but had moved to a hardline loyalist area in Belfast. I made clear to her that I was a Catholic and asked would that be a problem. She said no but, anyway, her choice was that we have the date at her home and watch a video.


When I arrived she said we couldn’t watch the video because she was taping something for one of her friends. Then a friend called her on the phone and invited her round to the pub. So I was dragged round to a notorious loyalist watering-hole, where she proceeded to sit down beside her friend at a crowded table. No seat for me and I ended up spending the evening standing talking about football to loyalist hard-men whilst having to censor every utterance before I made it, in case I let slip that I was “a left footer”.


The absolute worst dates were where a girl doesn’t show up at all though, had a few of those in my time. And then if you ring up to enquire if something had happened to her, you get classed as a stalker.

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The worst I've heard of - didn't happen to me - it happened to my friend......


She went to pick up the 'date' in her Mothers car and she ended up sat in the living room with his dad as he was late getting ready after t'match....

His dad asked - weer ye goin lass ??? she replied 'For a meal....'

2 seconds later she was hit in the side of the face by a couple of slices of Fletchers 'thick sliced' followed by a banana. She looked at the man for an explanation and was told 'don't waste me sons brass on grub - mek thi sen a sarnie afore tha gus owt an tha can sup more ale !!!! (sorry for errors in Yorkshire dialect - I'm a bit rusty)


Needless to say she declined the offer of the sarnie and the second date......

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I arranged a date with a girl who was originally from my home town (which isn’t a “frontline” sort of place in terms of the troubles) but had moved to a hardline loyalist area in Belfast. I made clear to her that I was a Catholic and asked would that be a problem. She said no but, anyway, her choice was that we have the date at her home and watch a video.


When I arrived she said we couldn’t watch the video because she was taping something for one of her friends. Then a friend called her on the phone and invited her round to the pub. So I was dragged round to a notorious loyalist watering-hole, where she proceeded to sit down beside her friend at a crowded table. No seat for me and I ended up spending the evening standing talking about football to loyalist hard-men whilst having to censor every utterance before I made it, in case I let slip that I was “a left footer”.


The absolute worst dates were where a girl doesn’t show up at all though, had a few of those in my time. And then if you ring up to enquire if something had happened to her, you get classed as a stalker.


Weren't asked to spell out any words were you? :D

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