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How we used to learn at school


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Remember a few from geography.

Yorkshire rivers? From north to south:

S wale

U re

N id

W harfe

A ire

D on

gives you SUNWAD


Rivers of the Mississippi basin?

From south west anti clockwise:


R ed

A rkasas

P late

M issouri

M ississippi

O hio

T ennesee

gives you RAPMMOT



and the Great Lakes


Superior, Michigan, Huron, Errie, Ontario.

We were taught " She made him eat onions"


This was back in the 60s so some of it must have worked !!

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I didn't know the 1st one...something to teach the Grandkids! :hihi:


I knew the 2nd one,but we used to say... Every Good Boy Deserves Favours !!!


i knew the first one,learnt it at my first piano lesson.......and electricity is cheaper in the evenings..

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